Greedo Blaster Pics


Sr Member
Hi all,
I need reference pics for building a Greedo blaster. There was a thread years ago, but all of the pics are gone. Please, if you have a Greedo blaster, post pics! :)

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I built one a few years ago. Not 100% accurate.
It's built on an airsoft Ruger Mk. 1, which has a corrected rear sight. I also added Boba Debt's machined muzzle and a set of aluminum "Imperial discs" on the grips. The rest of the greeblies are resin casts I bought from another RPF member. . . but it's been a while and I can't remember who offered them! (This was around 2004 I think.)



The whole shebang was painted with Rustoleum satin black and weathered with Floquil silver and a tiny size 0 brush.

On the back of the receiver I added a black screw cap. The same type that's seen on the stormtrooper comlink (which also uses the machined muzzle from this blaster! :))

Superjedi - Those are perfect! Thanks for posting.

Jedifyfe - yeah that's where I started, but their pics are so low-res. It's too bad we can't get some better pics of some of these props.
No sweat.
You might try contacting Odiwan72 to see what info/reference he's got. Markus is a blaster maniac! :)
Unless someone is holding back some pics, there's nothing with a clear view of the details. The best pic is probably of the Jawa holding (with the ANH Solo muzzle) in the Chronicles book. Still you can't see details.

BTW, I have the gun and muzzle in the Junkyard. :)
Lonepigeon posted a much clearer picture of the Chronicles pic in which he outlined the various parts.

I might be able to dig it out from my ref pics archive discs unless someone beats me to it...

EDIT: Just been through six discs of reference pictures and I don't seem to have it for some reason :(

Unless someone is holding back some pics, there's nothing with a clear view of the details. The best pic is probably of the Jawa holding (with the ANH Solo muzzle) in the Chronicles book. Still you can't see details.

BTW, I have the gun and muzzle in the Junkyard. :)
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BTW, I have the gun and muzzle in the Junkyard. :)

I saw that, that's actually what inspired me to dig back into this project. I actually have an airsoft Ruger I bought a couple years ago to do this with, and somewhere around here I have a muzzle I machined for it... :p
That´s a blaster I´ve been hoping to get better reference pics of for years! Missed out on the resin conversion parts years ago, so my real Rugers are still unconverted :cry

Sorry, can´t be of any help here.

I need to work on mine too.
I have the bull barrel airsoft Ruger which I replaced the rear sight on already (got a real Ruger sight at
The main obstacle for me is the barrel.
The real gun was a custom Ruger from Bapty, not a standard MK 1.
The gun body was shortened and the base of the barrel was threaded. I found some tubing with the right thread off an old scope, but I still need a barrel - might have to have one machined.
I also need to finish scratchbuilding the remaining greeblies.

Lonepigeon posted a much clearer picture of the Chronicles pic in which he outlined the various parts.

I don't remember doing this and I don't have such a file.
Chronicles does have one of the best pics though.

Superjedi's is pretty close, but that top piece between the two "antenna" is a piece of t-track (not a cylinder sitting on a wedge).

I need to get back to blueprinting that gun eventually.
I rescanned the Chronicles pictures. I must have lost the ones I had. A couple things looked familiar, but I may be way off. The part labeled "1" looks like an accessory clip. I'm not sure what the actual name is, but like the little clip you slide extra lights onto video cameras. Number "2" looks like some kind of model airplane intake. I may be totally wrong though.



The rest of the greeblies are resin casts I bought from another RPF member. . . but it's been a while and I can't remember who offered them! (This was around 2004 I think.)

That was me! The parts were cast from the alum. ones I had made for Disney's Greedo costume blaster. I might even still have those molds someplace...

Lonepigeon- I'm having trouble seeing the T-track piece you mention- is it the piece with the wire coming out of each end?

Bradleyfett, sorry I couldn't remember who I got those parts from! My rememberer ain't what it used to be. :)
They were great casts and really dressed up the Ruger nicely.
I finally got around to machining the grill for this blaster.

Does any one have any updated information about the rest of the parts for this? Otherwise, I'll probably start blueprinting them today.

Also, if any one is interested in a set of aluminum parts, just post a reply. I could do a short run of them since I'd like a set for myself. :cool
I have some of the part blueprints already. The antenna pieces are the same as those on Solo's blaster. There was a machined run awhile back. You can have the blueprint if you want.
The rear dome piece is a screw cap like the back of the Stormtrooper comlink (available at any hardware store). The piece between the two antenna is a length of T-track.
Ob1kenny has the Imperial discs.

The piece over the ejection port is still a mystery (Superjedi's is fairly close). I started a scratchbuilt piece years ago that I should finish. I need to scratch a "missile" for mine too.