graflex red button, thin knurl differences:


Sr Member
Hey all. Wanted to post these pictures for any who are interested.

On one of the Luke ANH sabre props (one that shared time as a Vader sabre), there's an odd thin knurled variant of the usual red button. I've never owned this variant until recently. Due to the kindness of a fellow prop enthusiast, and one crazy camera collector friend--I now proudly have two!

Here's the kicker: they don't match!


Side-by-side there are several differences--most obviously the step near the base of the button on the right. But the left button is also crisper around the red button, not nearly so rounded over.

So here's the two thin-knurled variants along with a regular button:

and for fun, the undersides:

Good times.
Anyone have a good pic of the stunt saber this button was used on?
IIRC it was the tube dressed to look like a graflex, yes?
Parts of Star Wars has a grainy pic.

I too would enjoy to see a clearer pic of this if some kind person here can post one--or PM one.

Chris says it's just a dressed up metal tube--so you're correct there. I have the old, shorter Heiland shroud that looks like it might be a good match for the sabre emitter--although I think that area was just painted black--still thought it might not be a stretch to do a version with the Heiland emitter. Plus, gets to bring that poor old Heiland back into the collection a little.
So the thin knurled button is an earlier and less-common variant, yes?

I just received one like this (unexpectedly) - would anyone like to trade me for a "regular" button?

Just checked mine and its the stepped version.

Didn't even know there're any other variants till I saw this thread... :confused

Now the question is, which is the accurate one...
Tough call... the best reference is probably luke holding the stunt after the end was painted black for use as the vader saber. I'm certain he's wearing the black shirt from the end ceremony but can't find the photo. Not even sure if the button shows, though.

HD capture:

I prefer the stepped version myself. I'd be willing to trade anyone if it turns out the no-step is what is needed for a replica.
Tempted to say stepped version, based only on the fact that more people seem to have that one here. And I've personally seen the stepped version more on graflexes on Ebay. However, the thin-knurled button is still an oddity and I rarely come across one.

Is there a clearer picture of the button out there that anyone has?
Does anyone know where I can find the little metal 'beer' tab under the red button?

I'm pretty sure I have an extra one, I'll shoot you a PM

Interesting Jediscout! I don't think I've seen the stepped version before this either. I have one of the regular "unstepped" thin variants.

That's right, one of the bladed stunts. WAS it the riveted, painted one used for the maiming scene or another?
Well, now, had no idea about this variant! I thought the short knurl knob that I had was worthless, now I find out it is a more rare variant that was used on another saber! :) I have the no step version.