The real Graflex has smooth text. I'm not sure if it was stamped in, but that's what the real ones look like to me.
I think both the issues you mentioned are a result of the angle and lighting. Peronally I think they look ok. Though only Tetmatek can confirm that.It looks to me like the long horizontal slot is a bit too far down. Also, the lip that holds the bubble strip in (I'm a saber guy :lol ) seems just a tad too large.
If you have access to a machine shop, then yeah they're not hard to make.I'd buy one depending on price Making side bars and a lever myself shouldn't be too hard.
Hi there,
Might I also suggest making some clamps without the G R A F L E X text,
but with the lines for those people who would like to have these.
Start an interest thread (INT) as soon as you have everything ready to
go and you're allowed access to the junkyard.