

Sr Member
Okay, to keep the Robby thread "clean" Let's discuss Gort here, please.
Who has a life-size build-up?
Any good dimensions out there?
The fellow in this pic is about 6' tall. The Gort is one of Fred Bartons.
Damn Gort is HUGE!
Will he fit in a standard home with 8' ceilings?
He would be very cool made of metal though...

Well, still, Robby first! Then we'll see.

Does anyone have one of these fellows with the opening visor?
Here's a Christmas card my wife and I sent out one year:

Nice Christmas card.

To be honest, I never got the comparison until many years after seeing the movie on TV for the first time. I think it was "Mr. Carpenter" that finally twigged me to it.

Anyways, I remember seeing a GORT at Sci-Fi City in Orlando, I think it is still there - don't know the story behind who built it though.
I've thought about doing a lifesize Gort for years, but how do you ship something like that???

I organized a screening here in L.A. last year that was a double feature of DAY and FORBIDDEN PLANET. I borrowed a truck and Fred brought both a Robby and a Gort to display in the lobby. The place was packed, and if you've ever been to the Aero in Santa Monica, you know how small the lobby actually is. Gort cleared the ceiling by about 4". (I believe it will clear a standard ceiling.) We had Billy Gray there (the kid from Day The Earth Stood Still). People loved it. One of the best special screenings we had. I'll try to dig up some photos.

I understand that Gort in fiberglass was 8 and a half feet tall, and the costume for Lock martin was just over 8 feet tall.
I had the pleasure of seeing "Robot Hut's"
John Rigg and his creation!!!

Awesome and perfect.
The head tilted downward and visor lifted and the eye scanned!!


I have a lifesize torso of Gort.

I will take a pic and post.

Maybe we should start the Gort Builders club?
The Christmas card is awesome! I would steal the idea but now with a baby and another due just before Christmas, I'm sure they will be on the card...

Maybe in a few years....:angel

Cool pic of the helmet! Where was that?
Maybe we should start the Gort Builders club?
The Christmas card is awesome! I would steal the idea but now with a baby and another due just before Christmas, I'm sure they will be on the card...

Maybe in a few years....:angel

Cool pic of the helmet! Where was that?

You could always have Gort HOLDING the babies!

Am I the only one that thinks those shoulders are too sharp?

Is that Barton Gort you are scaling there?

If you compare that pic to the Christmas card, you can see it.

Is that the difference in the two originals, FG version has sharp shoulders, suit is soft?
No, you're right. The pic I posted is of FB copy, so no telling how accurate it is, measurement by measurement.

Had to start somewhere!

The shoulders are too sharp, the trunks don't go into the belt as sharply or completely, the cuffs are too thick... Just in glancing at the Christmas card.
Need to research some decent pics.

I wonder what this fellow would weigh, in fiberglass? Anyone had experience with a 'glass piece this large?
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Haha! I LOVE that Xmas card!

Gort is friggin huge!
I don't think he'd fit in my apartment!

I guess he could bbe made as a suit out of rubber, but you'd kill someone inside there!
Uh... I have a 23 inch screen and that scale image is too big! Other than that it looks great, but I have to scroll around to see it all!
