Godzilla from Godzilla vs. Megalon

OMG This is a awesome costume!!! I've been trying to figure out a way to build a Godzilla costume for my son for years now! At this point, I'm hoping he stops growing before I start building his costume and I have a pile of foam I've been saving for this costume. Probably need to get it done by the 2014 movie release, unless that gets pushed back again. We're hoping to make it to G-Fest next year as well. I'll visit your site but I hope I can pick your brain if I get stuck once I get started on my own king of monsters. :)
I have a question I am currently gathering supplies to start my son's Godzilla costume soon, I am grabbing Liquid Latex since it will be 50% today at the Halloween stores. How much do I need to have on hand to coat this costume? How many coats should I plan to do? It's going to be a foam build sine that seems to make the most sense to build one of these costumes out of.
Thats' just insane! Well done! I can only assume that a 40-degree weather (at warmest) is required to wear that thing if one is to not die inside.

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