Godzilla from Godzilla vs. Megalon

FANTASTIC! I love it. Enjoyed seeing the process as you built it. Any maintenance issues over time ~ any problems with certain repeated movements causing excessive wear and tear?
FANTASTIC! I love it. Enjoyed seeing the process as you built it. Any maintenance issues over time ~ any problems with certain repeated movements causing excessive wear and tear?

Thanks RedBear! The thing that wears the most are the insides of my feet that can sometimes rub together. When I created the feet I centered my foot when I should have off-set them more... lesson learned. Other than that it's mostly just re-gluing a scale or touching it up with a dab of paint here or there. I think I've actually worn it less than 10 times total but it was well worth the work!

tuskentrooper - Oh, that's great! I just went there, commented and liked The RFP on FB so I can now get updates.
WOW!!! I gotta say, I wanted to do this 25 years ago inspired by the movie, One Crazy Summer!! I had my mother take over the project since I didn't have the spare time and It NEVER turned out like this!! Amazing work!! Great ideas!!
Awesome job! I did something similar for my son year before last but I was afraid to post here.


I used carpet foam as the 'skin' but I like your idea so much more!

( btw, he's autistic and hates things on his hands so that's why there's no gloves. )
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