Gizmo (Gremlins)


Well-Known Member
Here is something that I've been working on which I just got to get molded up a few days ago. Been doing the sculpt off and on since about May, which is way too damn long. This is Gizmo, based off how he looked in the first "Gremlins".
I am calling this one the prototype casting and finishing, becasue I'm working on a fur pattern and coloring along with some other things to make them better. Will also do a seperate mold for a urethane resin version, this one is latex.

Like I said, I'm still working on paint schemes and ways to glue and affix the fur etc.

When I get one done for me that I like, I'm going to display with one of those vintage barbie cars (pictured) like in "Gremlins" (first film, which I based this Gizmo off of.









Overall, the casting had some problems, and the other issues I talked about came into play. Rather than throwing it out and casting another right away after patching a few areas in the mold, I went ahead and tested out some things. Doing so though, allowed me to be aware of what I'm doing so all past this proto will be how I envisoned it originally.

Thanks for looking
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wow, looks great! I've always wanted to create my own Gizmo from the first movie as well. Maybe I'll get around to it.
Thank you for the kind words. The cell really washes out any sculpted details, espcially around the mouth and eyelids. I apologize.

Here's a couple of other photos:

Nearly finished sculpt:


VERY nicely done. How'd you do the fur and where did you get it?

Also, I'd shave down the eyelids on the left eye a little. It looks like they're sticking out much further than the right side.
Thank you. This was just a trial thing. I'm already casting eyes into another casting, wheras with this one I put them in after creating a bigger lid than desired.
I see some interesting photos in the one shot. Where did you find them? Any chance of sharing them?
When I read this threads title, I figured it was one of the ones Ronculus had made... cause why would anyone try to compete with that?

I am pleasently suprised to see another near screen perfect sculpt!

Very nice! (y)thumbsup

You really captured the "alive" look of the original! :)
wow:love that is awesome. great work. Everytime i see one of these little guys it makes me want one. you did a great job:thumbsup
Steveo, those photos were pulled from Google. One shows Bob Burns with a screen used Mogwai (not Gizmo) I used for size reference and the others are pictures of screen used Gizmo castings.

Thank you everyone for the kind words.
Ok, cool.. Thanks.. Do you have any pics of the puppet before the fur was added? Does anyone here have access to those photos? I would love to see them if someone is willing to share.
Gizmo kaka!:)

Nice work man! Gremlins is one of my most memorable movies from my childhood, aside from Star Wars.

I'll take one please!

Seriously - that is nice. I just showed the movie to my little girl last night and she loved it (until they turned into lizards she says) But she watched the Gizmo stuff over and over.

Anyone ever see the chinese box that Giz came in made?
Anyone ever see the chinese box that Giz came in made?

When this was mentioned years ago on the board a few members were going to do a small run which never got done.

I would love to have that box!

Iirc a company was supposed to do one also, but it to never surfaced.
Do you have any more inprogress shots? I've seen a few finished Gizmos, but never any in progress shots. I find that stuff fascinating.
That is awesome! I think that latex really looks good on him his flesh really looks real very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want one, would you sell them in kit form if so thats the rout I would go!