Sr Member
Okay, just trying to catch up with all of my updates. Got this a while ago from Wooten (John). First off, I got contant updates from Wooten and this piece arrived flawlessly. Second, someone had better buy Wooten's Gino stunt helmet in the junkyard... cuz if I get it my wife will kill me.
The first thing that I was surprised about was the fact that Gino contacted me after hearing about the sale. I gotta say, I've never seen that level of dedication from a maker for his creations. After this particular helmet has changed hands a few times, he still takes the time to make sure everything was okay and make sure I was happy. :thumbsup
So, this is my first trooper lid. I spent most of the last few years just lurking and researching and filling my head with all the little nuances between helmets... stunt/hero, bubble/flat lenses, green/tinted lenses, position of that black rubber brow thingy, painted details, shape of the trapazoid things, mic tips, foam interior, ear cap bumps, screws, dents... dings.... *KA-Blooie!* <---- that was the sound of my head exploding.
Everyone who takes the time out there on this thread to make these props the most accurate possible deserves a round of applause... I don't know how you guys do it.
So yea, I wanted a nice hero helmet. I'll probably have to round out the collection after the baby arrives and the dust settles and get a nice stunt helmet. (but that's coming right Mr. No Stripes?) :angel:angel *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*
lifesize? - You betcha - but it'll be a while - I'm backlogged now.
Yes - I have a stand, helmets and props first start out in my theater room for my enjoyment for a week or so before I move them to the basement prop room. After a while I have to start worrying about sun damage. (please excuse the clutter in the pics... it's a neverending work in progress)
on to the pics!
The first thing that I was surprised about was the fact that Gino contacted me after hearing about the sale. I gotta say, I've never seen that level of dedication from a maker for his creations. After this particular helmet has changed hands a few times, he still takes the time to make sure everything was okay and make sure I was happy. :thumbsup
So, this is my first trooper lid. I spent most of the last few years just lurking and researching and filling my head with all the little nuances between helmets... stunt/hero, bubble/flat lenses, green/tinted lenses, position of that black rubber brow thingy, painted details, shape of the trapazoid things, mic tips, foam interior, ear cap bumps, screws, dents... dings.... *KA-Blooie!* <---- that was the sound of my head exploding.
Everyone who takes the time out there on this thread to make these props the most accurate possible deserves a round of applause... I don't know how you guys do it.
So yea, I wanted a nice hero helmet. I'll probably have to round out the collection after the baby arrives and the dust settles and get a nice stunt helmet. (but that's coming right Mr. No Stripes?) :angel:angel *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*
lifesize? - You betcha - but it'll be a while - I'm backlogged now.
Yes - I have a stand, helmets and props first start out in my theater room for my enjoyment for a week or so before I move them to the basement prop room. After a while I have to start worrying about sun damage. (please excuse the clutter in the pics... it's a neverending work in progress)
on to the pics!