GI JOE 2: Retaliation Trailer up!

I have a real problem with live action movies killing off main stay characters of franchises. Duke and Scarlet are original Joes and should always be a part of this franchise. They are a big part of the comics and of the cartoon adaptations. Why would they kill them off in the live action movie. Seems like a sure way to lose a fan base.

True that but I'm still looking forward to the ten minute plus hot ninja on ninja action on that cliff side. I understand that part was inspired by my favorite issue of the G.I. Joe comic (#21, Silent Interlude).
The Ninja battle sequence played at BNAT tonight. So that means marketing is on the way with more of that footage being released online. Hope they save something for the movie. No more trailers for me, will be watching any further G.I. Joe: Retaliation footage only during its release in March 2013.
At least Cobra Commander looks a bit like he should. I heard that the guy who plays him had some trouble coming up with a voice for him in the first one. He didn't want to sound like vader and he didn't want to try and copy Chris Latta's cartoon voice so he found a combo he liked.
I really wish we could hear the Commander speak. But I imagine fanboys will be pissed no matter how he sounds. I truly enjoyed the rough tone he had in that horrible Rise of Cobra movie.
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