GI JOE 2: Retaliation: Snake Eyes Costume Info Thread

Our Snake Eyes Suits are starting to pop up here and there on the internet, and the reviews continue to be very encouraging.
I'd personally like to thank everyone that's sent in their images and reviews, or even better - posted it all themselves openly online!!
Here's just a few:

Phillip L K.





Least we forget that these bad boys are just about ready for pre ordering!!!


Just got mine 9/15! As that was my B-Day, it was a GREAT gift to myself on my special day! Will post pics once I get a chance!:cool
All the pics look fantastic guys!

aetherdeus....setting the standard, Id say! great job on all the components.

Thanks for the mention, David. I really need to get out my Canon DSLR and take some better pics!! haha
1408141397173_IMG_20140809_183424_929.jpgSnake_Eyes_(Sigma_6)_001.jpg1408141368466_IMG_20140809_183420_075 (1).jpg1408141368466_IMG_20140809_183420_075 (1).jpg1408141321263_IMG_20140806_153341_050 (1).jpgsnake eye's mask.jpgwell i de side to go with another snake eyes mask.Still have to give it a few more coats of plastic dip. The last pic is a mirra pic of what it will look like.
Anyone one get UD snake eyes product that was mislabeled in sizing?

Just to clarify...
A handful of Snake Eyes' pants were mislabeled, however we're already replacing them for the customers in question.
This 'mislabeling' was exclusive to these few pairs of other part of the suit.
All jackets, gloves and boots = Perfect!!!

Folks, we're human...and these are still hand made items. While it shouldn't happen, it can...but the real strength of any company isn't so much a perfect track record - but how they handle scenarios like this if/when they do develop....and we're already in the process of replacing these few mislabeled pants.


Well David I'm glad to hear that you replied to this since I do believe I have mislabeled pants! I've tried to call over the last 2 weeks sporadically and to no avail has anyone picked up. The voice mail box states that it's full so I can't leave a message. I know it's Been convention time these last few months and you've been promoting the hell out of your sweet products but you need to have sufficient phone personal to take everyone's calls during business hours. After all it's us (the customer) that has brought you and your company to where it is now. We need to talk and figure out what needs to be done, I trust that you will. I've been an excellent customer of yours since the beginning. I'm on my 7th (yes count it! 7 th suit) from your company. Please let me know how to proceed.

Well David I'm glad to hear that you replied to this since I do believe I have mislabeled pants! I've tried to call over the last 2 weeks sporadically and to no avail has anyone picked up. The voice mail box states that it's full so I can't leave a message. I know it's Been convention time these last few months and you've been promoting the hell out of your sweet products but you need to have sufficient phone personal to take everyone's calls during business hours. After all it's us (the customer) that has brought you and your company to where it is now. We need to talk and figure out what needs to be done, I trust that you will. I've been an excellent customer of yours since the beginning. I'm on my 7th (yes count it! 7 th suit) from your company. Please let me know how to proceed. Lionel

I had a similar problem with my Snake Eyes pants from UD. The packaging said it was a size large, but I could barely button them up. Lucky for me, I had no problems getting a hold of David personally, & my pants are being exchanged!:thumbsup Maybe I've just been lucky, but I've never had an issue getting ahold of UD, & I've called them 3-4 times in the last year or so. David has been the one to personally answer the phone every time I've called!(y)cool I'm sure David & UD will make things right for you! Good luck!
Just spoke to David for an extensive amount of time and indeed my pants were mislabeled as well . Good news is we're doing an exchange to get this corrected.
Thanks David!
Well David I'm glad to hear that you replied to this since I do believe I have mislabeled pants! I've tried to call over the last 2 weeks sporadically and to no avail has anyone picked up. The voice mail box states that it's full so I can't leave a message. I know it's Been convention time these last few months and you've been promoting the hell out of your sweet products but you need to have sufficient phone personal to take everyone's calls during business hours. After all it's us (the customer) that has brought you and your company to where it is now. We need to talk and figure out what needs to be done, I trust that you will. I've been an excellent customer of yours since the beginning. I'm on my 7th (yes count it! 7 th suit) from your company. Please let me know how to proceed.


Great speaking with you just now bud, and yes...your pants are mislabeled. Sorry about that, but we'll take care of it. :thumbsup
We've got several phone lines but when they're all tied up with calls, anyone else calling in at that time goes directly to voice mail. I know it's frustrating but I want to reassure everyone that we are here and we are working our butt's off. ;)
I personally take all calls myself; as the creator of these goods it's important to me that you the customers speak directly with me when it comes to all things product related. It's the least I can do considering the support you've all shown over the years for our products...but, it is becoming increasingly ever more challenging as we continue to show significant growth on a quarterly basis. As such, it may be time to have my assistant Cat start taking calls as well. Ultimately we're here for you...every day of the week of course...but it may be time to beef up or 'Contact Us' procedure if it's going to make it easier for you all calling in.

While our products are very unique and truly in a class all their own, our support has to be in line with what it is that we your words here will not fall on deaf ears.

Once again, from me personally and all of us here at UD Replicas I'd like to extend our sincere gratitude for your business...but more so for your patience.
I got my start here on the RPF nearly 14 years ago and you guys have been along with me for this ride ever since....and that's something I'll never forget. :cheers

UD Replicas
Direct Line: 905-898-1809
I believe I have a pair of mislabeled pants as well. I believe I was one of the first to bring it up to UDR as at the time, they thought I was the only case. I have sent my items back and hopefully I will have a replacement ready for Halloween.

But seeing the suit up close and being able to actually see the quality of the material and craftsmanship, I cannot wait to show this off when I get the correct size!
Great speaking with you just now bud, and yes...your pants are mislabeled. Sorry about that, but we'll take care of it. :thumbsup
We've got several phone lines but when they're all tied up with calls, anyone else calling in at that time goes directly to voice mail. I know it's frustrating but I want to reassure everyone that we are here and we are working our butt's off. ;)
I personally take all calls myself; as the creator of these goods it's important to me that you the customers speak directly with me when it comes to all things product related. It's the least I can do considering the support you've all shown over the years for our products...but, it is becoming increasingly ever more challenging as we continue to show significant growth on a quarterly basis. As such, it may be time to have my assistant Cat start taking calls as well. Ultimately we're here for you...every day of the week of course...but it may be time to beef up or 'Contact Us' procedure if it's going to make it easier for you all calling in.

While our products are very unique and truly in a class all their own, our support has to be in line with what it is that we your words here will not fall on deaf ears.

Once again, from me personally and all of us here at UD Replicas I'd like to extend our sincere gratitude for your business...but more so for your patience.
I got my start here on the RPF nearly 14 years ago and you guys have been along with me for this ride ever since....and that's something I'll never forget. :cheers

UD Replicas
Direct Line: 905-898-1809

How do I know if my pants were mislabeled? I thought I had just gotten a little fat... lol.. my size "large" barely fit my waist. If I send my pants back now, will I actually get a replacement before Halloween? I can 'make' them fit for now if the replacement can't be done in time.

I actually even started dieting because I felt so bad that they were so tight on me when I got them and thought they were 'large' lol.. I know I'm not in the same shape I was back in my Marine Corps days... but this really made me feel better knowing that my pants might be mislabeled.. lol

I'll be calling tomorrow sometime too, just thought i'd reply here too since I'm stuck at work for the night, lol.
Personally, I wouldn't risk wearing them for Halloween and having a costume mishap, ruining your chances for a return later, especially if you have to 'make' them fit....
I would take a new set of measurements of yourself now and compare them with your measurements when you ordered the suit. That would at least be a start and have something ready for when you called UDR.