Ghostbusters' PKE Meter Build - Canceled


Master Member
My current project is a PKE meter, so I thought I'd share with the RPF. I'm also keeping track of it on my website here: The PKE Meter Project – Canceled

I'm a slow builder, so I hope you'll bear with me as I go along.

11/16/08: Getting Started
The goal of this project is to construct a replica of the PKE meter as seen in the Ghostbusters films. The original prop was built from an Iona shoe polisher. While these polishers are no longer made, you can usually find them online and in pretty good condition. However, a significant amount of modifications need to be done to convert the polisher into a PKE meter. I was lucky enough to find a great fiberglass kit with the majority of the modifications already completed. As you can see, the kit consists of two primary pieces; the front face and the rear face. It also includes four pieces which are to be used to construct the wings. This will be my first time working with fiberglass, so it should be interesting.

11/23/08: Electronics
The PKE meter wouldn't be much without a good set of electronics. I picked these up from the resident expert in custom prop electronics, Hyperdyne Labs. These electronics are especially nice because they include a dual-mode display screen. Research has shown that there were multiple versions of the prop used as the PKE meter. These versions differed in that the sequencing LEDs in the main display were oriented in different directions. One version had the LEDs sequencing top-left to bottom-right, while the other version went from bottom-left to top-right. The display board for these electronics can sequence in either direction as dictated by a simple input switch. The electronics kit also features:

  • dual-mode display screen with sequencing LEDs
  • variable frequency sound effects that increase/decrease with wing position
  • driver circuit for wing LEDs with adjustable frequency
  • servo driver circuit to move wings up and down

11/28/08: Dremel gives you wings!
I figured I'd tackle the electronics portion first since they'll need to be fitted into the kit. The electronics come up with a single printed wire board that can be separated into two boards used to connect the LEDs that will go in the wings of the PKE. Using a cutting wheel and my trusty Dremel, I separated the two wing boards. I then used the grinding wheel to smooth all the edges. Be very careful not to hit any of the traces while cutting or grinding, otherwise you run the risk of breaking the electrical connection, which could prevent the LEDs from getting power later on. In the event you do cut any of the traces (as I did), you can solder a spare piece of wire down to bridge the gap in the trace. Afterwards, I rinsed the boards off with some water to remove any particulates which could prevent the solder from properly adhering to the boards when I attach the LEDs, which will be my next step...

01/30/09: More electronics work
Here you can see the LEDs have been attached to the wings. I soldered them on and cleaned up the boards with some isopropyl alcohol to remove any residual flux from the solder. I was going to wire up the ribbon cables to attach the wings to the main circuit board, but I figured I should wait until I have all the components in place in the body kit so I'll know how long to cut the wires.

I also picked up two micro-servos, which will be used to move the wings up and down. I went with the Cirrus CS-101 micro-servo, which I purchased from The Hobby People. The wiring harness for these servos is slightly different than that of those called out in the instruction manual for the electronics, so I'll need to figure out which wire is which...

Lastly, I gave the body components a bath is some warm soapy water to remove any residual contaminents from the molding process.
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Re: Ghostbusters' PKE Meter Build

One of my favorite prop, looks like your doing great, these are incredibly hard to build, and love the wing boards, such a great idea, keep us updated, cant wait to see the progress!!!
Re: Ghostbusters' PKE Meter Build

I don't think we've ever seen a build thread for this prop, and I'm geeked!! Thanks for sharing! :thumbsup
Re: Ghostbusters' PKE Meter Build

Great to see a build up of this prop! My brother and I have one in the works using a gutahkela body kit but it's on hold as the PKE electronics have been out of stock on hyperdynes website for a while now :( I'll be following this thread with interest!
Re: Ghostbusters' PKE Meter Build

02/08/09: Body Work
Thanks to, Jim, over at Hyperdyne Labs, I was able to get the pin-out information for the servos. For anyone who may be using these servos, the pins are:

  • Brown = ground
  • Red = positive
  • Orange = control
I did some body work and trimmed all the excess fiberglass away from the two body halves and drilled out the holes for the LEDs using my Dremel. I also trimmed the wings as well, so all the main components are ready to go!


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Re: Ghostbusters' PKE Meter Build

Going to be getting back to work on this shortly, so bumperino!

Re: Ghostbusters' PKE Meter Build

Great build. This is one of those props that is small, intriquite and really cool looking once done. Love it!
Re: Ghostbusters' PKE Meter Build

Cool, let me know if you need any other help.

I just got a bunch of PKE electronics kits in, hope to have them up on my site soon. Glad you got the servos, I need to order more of them.
Re: Ghostbusters' PKE Meter Build

I'll be watching this one. This popr build has always been on my short list to do, but I'm beyond terrifid of the electronics!!!:wacko
Re: Ghostbusters' PKE Meter Build

I'm watching and reading too. Waiting to see who makes the best and cheapest electronics on gbfans this summer and then I'll be bulding one myself soon! May have to go for the hyperdyne kit too if its really the best.
Re: Ghostbusters' PKE Meter Build

Very interested in following this as well. This has got to be one of the rarest GB props around and one that I would dearly love to own some day. (I have no illusions regarding my ability to build one myself.) Funny - I've got an awesome proton pack, but a screen accurate functional PKE meter has eluded me!
Re: Ghostbusters' PKE Meter Build

It's a tricky prop to assemble, especially getting everything to fit into the iona shell. I found the PKE meter to be a much more difficult prop than the proton pack, trap, and goggles.
Re: Ghostbusters' PKE Meter Build

That would be one of my kits with the old wing design. Still a good set of wings, non-the-less. Some people have been asking me, lately, what goes into installing the electronics. I've yet to finish my own PKE, but here is how my wings are to attach to the servo's crosses, which is the question most asked. Hope these pics help:


Re: Ghostbusters' PKE Meter Build

I've got a GuntahKela shell around here somewhere, someday I'll get some electronics in there and get it done properly.

Great work so far, I really love a good PKE meter.
Re: Ghostbusters' PKE Meter Build

A Facebook mention will likely bring new viewers to this thread like it has myself. I'll just add a small correction to the prop lore at the beginning of the post. The PKE guru in this realm, like him or not, authoritatively states the original prop was a one-off, which had the same dual-direction screen as today's modern kit equivalents. The large switch under the display selected which set of 7 lights would be active. I can corroborate this with a photo of the actual prop from Modern Props. You can just make out a ghostly "X" pattern within the display screen, caused by reflections from the bulbs of both directions. Both sets of 7 bulbs were wired with the same signal supply; switching from one set to the other was a simple matter of interrupting one return wire or the other.

So today's kits are more true to the original's behavior than you might think! In any case, I'm with Crix in loving any good PKE build. I may be back on this someday (after almost 10 years, eesh). Great job and happy building!

- K -
Re: Ghostbusters' PKE Meter Build

Sweet looking build! I too have wondered if one of those EMF meters could be fitted into a PKE prop after watching some of those ghost hunting shows. That would be funny to see! And great work with the Facebook link, otherwise I would have never seen this!