Ghostbusters movie by Paul Feig

Is the trap contained within the pack? Check out the rectangular portion with a handle on the bottom.

Funny thing is I think having a heart on it is actually a disservice to the female cast implying it has to be "cutesied" up in a way because they are females.

I don't even see the heart? where is it?

The thing that pisses me off about this movie is that it's not being done by people who love it. just like tmnt. it's being done by focus groups and CEO's who know just enough to get somethings right, but want to put their own stamp on someone elses legacy and screw everything else. notice how they waited until after harold ramis died to make their move.

It's also funny seeing reactions by people who love this thing no matter what just because it's ghostbusters. I had one fan bash me just because I hated the design and said 'it looks like something a fan would make'. they even went so far to claim that I was bashing pro prop builders. The funny thing is, if this WAS designed by a fan to be a steampunk pack, I'd LOVE it. but on a big budget movie? It just shows the girls clearly arn't as good designers as the guys, because they guys had a better design that looked far more finished. plus, it's so small looking, it's going to look RIDICULOUS on McCarthy, never mind the thinner cast members.. If this is what we get, I'd rather they have tried something original. I'd probably still hate it based on principal alone, but at least it's not this.

and yes, I'm getting tired of these sexism and weight bashing claims myself. we can't just hate on something anymore. everything seems to have to be loved.
I don't even see the heart? where is it?

It's in the center of the radioactive sign.

Really dislike the new Proton Pack. The old one was so iconic looking where this looks like something a fan might've knocked up from junk in a weekend.
oh my god, you're right. gag me with a spoon.
THIS is the only female ghostbuster I want to see...along with melnitz. Just seeing this image and what we could have had if someone had gotten the right script makes me want to cry ;)

It's also funny seeing all the 'positive' reactions to it on paul feigs twitter. sadly, I have a feeling this movie will make millions from people who just don't care about a property and it's legacy and want to be entertained.


satan loves the reboot ;o)
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Eh, just because other people don't feel the same way about a reboot than you do, does not mean that they don't care about the property or its legacy.

That's myopic nonsense.
The only thing that I don't like about the new pack is that it looks a little too old, the whole thing looks like they built it out of old parts they found lying around deep in a junkyard or in someone's barn when they went picking. Then there's the parts themselves, everything looks like it was build from parts from the '90s at earliest instead of from parts scavenged in the past few years or so. Not that I would like it to look like something designed by Apple but I think that they could have added a few modern touches like some LEDs or something to give it a slightly more modern look.
The only thing that I don't like about the new pack is that it looks a little too old, the whole thing looks like they built it out of old parts they found lying around deep in a junkyard or in someone's barn when they went picking. Then there's the parts themselves, everything looks like it was build from parts from the '90s at earliest instead of from parts scavenged in the past few years or so. Not that I would like it to look like something designed by Apple but I think that they could have added a few modern touches like some LEDs or something to give it a slightly more modern look.

I'm sure they'll get their white jumpsuits and iPacks by the end battle.
The old proton packs look better, not a fan of the new design, looks too junkyard for my taste.

Agreed, that's my problem with the new pack, it looks too much like it's made from a bunch of old parts from the junkyard. Both the parts and the pack itself looks too old, like it was made a couple of decades ago and has seen hard use; it really should look like it's just a few years old with modern parts but still cobbled together in a garage looking.
I think it's an issue of them looking like they found them buried in the yard after decades rather than built them recently.

They look like parts from a junk yard that was built recently but they didn't do anything to spruce them up... exception of the cute little heart of course. To me, this Proton Pack looks like it retains the same functionality as the old ones which is more than I can say about NuTrek's phasers. *swish!* *swish!*
Meh. Of all the things to object to, I find the proton packs to be the least objectionable...other than the stupid heart on it.

See, to me, the heart is, well, the "heart" of the problem. It's yet another thing that just says "THIS WAS DESIGNED BY COMMITTEE TO APPEAL TO WHAT WE THINK WOMEN LIKE" rather than just, y'know, telling the story.

Now, maybe the character will be, like, some Hello Kitty obsessed cutesy character, or that will be an aspect to the character's personality and it'll basically work...but otherwise, yeah, just seems to me to be more pandering.
Meh. Of all the things to object to, I find the proton packs to be the least objectionable...other than the stupid heart on it.

I just find it funny how you phrased that. first you say the packs are the least objectionable, then go on a mini rant about the heart ;o)

personally, I wouldn't be the LEAST b it surprised if feig threw that on there to **** the fans off. we already saw in the emails how they bash the fans who are upset.
to me, it looks like they took a fan off a microwave oven, threw it in a box, added a light or two, and made something that 'kind of' resembled the thrower as a 'cute nod' no doubt.
just seems like the laziest design ever. like the enterprise beer/engine room in that reboot ;o).
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I like it. It retains the homemade quality of the originals, but looks like they were using newer junk to put it together. Reminds me of some of the fan-made proton packs that went for an unique look. I wonder if it's supposed to be electrical instead of nuclear.
personally, I wouldn't be the LEAST b it surprised if feig through that on there to **** the fans off. we already saw in the emails how they bash the fans who are upset.

I'm going to go out on a limb here, but if the fans are saying anything like what you or Westies14 have said on this forum, there's really not much else for them to say. The movie isn't even out yet and all I see are opinions being made just for the sake of bashing a film that doesn't have a teaser yet. Something looks different like the Proton Packs? That's bad. Something looks the same like the Ghostbusters logo? That's bad. There is no room for any positive outlook for anything you guys have to say.
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