Ghostbusters movie by Paul Feig

Re: Ghostbusters 3

I just saw a trailer posted on some site. Apparently paul feig and Mellisa McCarthy are releasing a THIRD movie together. Either he's a feminist in training, or
McCarthy SERIOUSLY has some kind of blackmail on him.

it's kind of weird. Guess he doesn't believe in natural casting.

I don't think I'd go that far, after all, lots of directors have their own stable of actors that they work with regularly. Do you think Bruce Campbell has something on Sam Raimi? He's in just about every movie Raimi does, after all. Joss Whedon uses his old Buffy stable in just about everything too. Maybe Feig just likes how McCarthy acts?
Re: Ghostbusters 3

Peter has moved on with Dana. They Lost egon on a case a year ago. it's just ray and winston left holding the fort...and they are getting older, slower, and making mistakes. sooner or later they will do themselves in. but, most people are too scared to sign up as a recruit after what happened to Egon made big news...and they can't recruit the rookie from chicago as his operation is too lucrative. so, they need to find a way to make it marketable and get people to sign up. hence, the first annual Ghostbusters recruiting seminar. that seems the simplest story to go.train new people and eliminate them from the job for one reason or another. maybe one recruit feels betrayed and sets in motion another big bad ghost demi god after them. Seeing an army of 10 ghostbusters fighting that off would be pretty cool.

This is what they should do. Even with just Dan Akroyd as I understand Bill Murray doesn't want to do the movie. Pass the torch to new recruits!

The only thing scary (and kinda thrilling) about an all-girl Ghostbusters team is how they handle the costumes. What if they opt to show more skin or something. You know how Hollywood thinks... More skin, more profit. It might end up looking like a soft porn GB costume!
Re: Ghostbusters 3

This is what they should do. Even with just Dan Akroyd as I understand Bill Murray doesn't want to do the movie. Pass the torch to new recruits!

The only thing scary (and kinda thrilling) about an all-girl Ghostbusters team is how they handle the costumes. What if they opt to show more skin or something. You know how Hollywood thinks... More skin, more profit. It might end up looking like a soft porn GB costume!

Re: Ghostbusters 3

This is what they should do. Even with just Dan Akroyd as I understand Bill Murray doesn't want to do the movie. Pass the torch to new recruits!

The only thing scary (and kinda thrilling) about an all-girl Ghostbusters team is how they handle the costumes. What if they opt to show more skin or something. You know how Hollywood thinks... More skin, more profit. It might end up looking like a soft porn GB costume!

What would make that funny would be the grinding sound as everyone shifts gears from claiming that being against it is sexist to saying that liking it is sexist, and the mildly amusing overlap as some don't switch gears fast enough.
Re: Ghostbusters 3

I really hope they don't think about doing this with the cast they have chosen.

Rather see Mr Stay Puffed in a suit instead.
Re: Ghostbusters 3

What would make that funny would be the grinding sound as everyone shifts gears from claiming that being against it is sexist to saying that liking it is sexist, and the mildly amusing overlap as some don't switch gears fast enough.

I really hope they don't think about doing this with the cast they have chosen.

Rather see Mr Stay Puffed in a suit instead.
Exactly. McCarthy in that suit above?:thumbsdown
Re: Ghostbusters 3

Actually, the more I think about it, that would make a good movie. Ghosts are established, Ghostbusters becomes a big corporation, get Ernie Hudson to do a quick cameo as CEO of Ghostbusters Inc., which really is the only one who makes sense, Bill Murray wouldn't do it, Ramis is dead and let's be honest, Ray isn't the CEO type. Then you can tell whatever story you want about any group of Ghostbusters you want and it's all still connected to the larger GB world.

I would LOVE Ernie Hudson was the main guy in this movie. He was so under used and deserves this. He has always been the best to his fans as well. Anyone who has ever met him can attest to that. Plus, he's a great actor.
Re: Ghostbusters 3

I still don't like the idea of a reboot. I'd still rather they made it a sequel with the old crew having retired and probably just managing the new team.
Re: Ghostbusters 3


Oh man, this is gonna be a trainwreck!!!!!

Maybe this will finally teach people to stop trying to re-do old films/IPs.
Re: Ghostbusters 3

I don't get how he's going to reconcile the idea of making Ghotsbusters dark and scary (not necessarily a bad thing in and of itself) with the fact that he's known more for comedies and his primary cast are a bunch of female comedians known for raunchy comedies.
Re: Ghostbusters 3

I don't get how he's going to reconcile the idea of making Ghotsbusters dark and scary (not necessarily a bad thing in and of itself) with the fact that he's known more for comedies and his primary cast are a bunch of female comedians known for raunchy comedies.

At this point, I think the best response is simply "Who cares?"

I mean, seriously, every bit of news coming out about this since they announced it's actually happening has been either neutral or bad. Given the direction it sounds like he thinks he's headed, I think this will be a total ****ing disaster of a film. It might as well not be called Ghostbusters at all.

I've gotta be honest here, I tend to think that it's basically impossible to do a 50/50 split of genuinely scary and genuinely funny. Hybrid horror-comedies only really work on a 25/75 split or vice versa.

Scream: 25% comedy, 75% horror
Scary Movie: 75% comedy, 25% horror.

Know which movie tried to do it 50/50?

Club Dread. And it honestly was...just not that great. It couldn't decide if it was funny or scary, and as a result, kinda whiffed it on both. It wasn't terrible, it just...wasn't that great. Moreover, it KILLED the success of the Broken Lizard guys, and coming off of Super Troopers, too, when they could seemingly do no wrong.

It sounds like Feig is going for that same kind of 50/50 split. The original had a few jump scares, but otherwise was straight-up comedy. Like, not even 25/75. More like 95% comedy, 5% scares.

I just think this is going to end up being complete garbage.......and in a weird way, I'm actually kind of excited to see just how bad things end up going. And the thing is, to do the movie he says he wants to do, he'd actually be better off not calling it "Ghostbusters," if only because (A) that sets up invidious comparisons, and (B) it tells people "This is gonna be a funny comedy, not anything really scary." Feig could do something like, say, Slither, and get the kind of vibe it sounds like he's going for. Comedic horror, basically. But Ghostbusters is not comedic horror. It's not even scary comedy. It's just comedy.

He should just go make his own ****ing movie and call it "Paul Feig's Spook Patrol" or something.
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