Ghostbusters movie by Paul Feig

Re: Ghostbusters 3

I say no to a remake. I'd rather they pass the torch to a younger generation. Unlike Indiana Jones, the Ghostbusters timeline isn't fixed.
Re: Ghostbusters 3

You inadvertently disprove your own point by using, as an example, a series where the character has remained the central character through SEVEN different actors.

I think the Ghostbusters are going to be the central characters in this movie.
Re: Ghostbusters 3

You inadvertently disprove your own point by using, as an example, a series where the character has remained the central character through SEVEN different actors.

I don't have a dog in the fight, but would it still be bond if they made the agent female named Felicia Anderson, M a teenager, made them work for the local police department in London, and she drank diet coke as opposed to Martini's?

I don't think bond is an apt comparison here though. it's been redone 5-6 times basically and evolved as the world around it has.

I ask myself with this, why does this need to be called Ghostbusters? Start there. Why not Ghost Hunters? or Ghost Squad? Paranormal Police? etc. Why are you choosing ghostbusters for the name? The only reason I can see is name recognition so it (hopefully in their eyes) captures an existing audience.

Usually a remake/reboot is done after time has passed to the point no one really remembers the originals. I know that's starting to change. Spiderman and Batman are basically exceptions - as is Bond really, as they're the SAME CHARACTER every time.

They seem to be distancing themselves from the original, but still wanting to keep the name for mass identification purposes.

I don't really care one way or the other to be honest. They'll make it, i'll wait for HBO most likely. Hopefully they don't pigeonhole the cast. I think Melissa McCarthy is excellent, but i'm tired of seeing her movies be nothing but the fat moronic slob.
Re: Ghostbusters 3

I ask myself with this, why does this need to be called Ghostbusters? Start there. Why not Ghost Hunters? or Ghost Squad? Paranormal Police? etc. Why are you choosing ghostbusters for the name? The only reason I can see is name recognition so it (hopefully in their eyes) captures an existing audience.

Because calling it something else might give off the impression that only men can be called Ghostbusters?
Re: Ghostbusters 3

Because calling it something else might give off the impression that only men can be called Ghostbusters?

ugh.....where is that 'crap, the comments started already' meme?

Re: Ghostbusters 3

One of our lovely female members of the Dutch Ghostbuster Divion drew this,

i dont have a problem with this cast, or the actors. I have a problem with Feig...people keep talking about Bridgemaids...but have you seen The Heat? What a pile of wast talent...he made Sandra Bullock (winner of a Oscar, and star of Gravity that same year) gave one of the worst performances of here life....
Re: Ghostbusters 3


I seriously doubt the reboot is intended to stop other entertainment mediums from continuing to tell stories of the original characters. Why would it want to?

Christopher Nolan's reboot didn't stop other incarnations of Batman from being produced. The animated universe from the original Batman the animated series still continued in the comic realm. Even after the BLASPHEMOUS reboot of Wonder Woman for the "New 52", her original incarnation still has her own comic book that's doing very well.

Despite technically rebooting Star Trek, the original "prime universe" still has a much stronger presence than the JJ Abrams movies currently have. TNG was restored into High Definition for BluRay that received critical acclaim, IDW is still making comics set during TOS and we're still getting cool new merchandise from all corners of trekdom. We're getting a Star Trek III toy phaser at last!

Pokémon even has some reboots here and there focusing on entirely different universes with varying degrees of Pokémon. BUT! There are still stories being made of the original from Ash's adventures to the original Red and Blue Pokémon universe.

Ever heard of the Japanese Gundam franchise? That sucker has been through more reboots, re-imaginings and re-tellings than I can count. Sometimes a Gundam series was about a war between two factions fighting in mobile suit platforms with plane like cockpits. Sometimes it was about people fighting in tournaments where the Gundams were controlled with a full body suit. Sometimes the Gundams were toys that kids play with. I'm not kidding. They made an officially sanctioned Gundam series based around the premise of kids playing with Gundam model kits.

I think the original Ghostbusters (and Kylie Griffin) will be fine.
Re: Ghostbusters 3

If what I've seen in the turtles franchise, where kids of today refuse to watch the older stuff because it's only good because of 'nostalgia', that remains to be seen. at least if you had peter, winston, egon and ray they'd want to find out stuff that's come before if the movie was good. with a whole new team, why bother?
Re: Ghostbusters 3

If what I've seen in the turtles franchise, where kids of today refuse to watch the older stuff because it's only good because of 'nostalgia'

As someone who read the comics from the start (more or less) I was rather horrified when I saw the movie. I had left the US at 14, and lost contact with a lot of stuff so didn't know anything about the film until I got hold of a grainy videotaped bootleg with Asian subtitles. When the Turtles uttered their first "Duuuuude!" and "Whoooooa" I nearly fell out of my chair in dismay. The heart and soul of TMNT (which was gritty and serious) died with the first film and has since stayed dead in my opinion.

I guess the one positive thing a "reboot" of Ghosbusters, with no ties to the original, is that they can't actually ruin what is canon in the first films.
Re: Ghostbusters 3

As someone who read the comics from the start (more or less) I was rather horrified when I saw the movie. I had left the US at 14, and lost contact with a lot of stuff so didn't know anything about the film until I got hold of a grainy videotaped bootleg with Asian subtitles. When the Turtles uttered their first "Duuuuude!" and "Whoooooa" I nearly fell out of my chair in dismay. The heart and soul of TMNT (which was gritty and serious) died with the first film and has since stayed dead in my opinion.

I guess the one positive thing a "reboot" of Ghosbusters, with no ties to the original, is that they can't actually ruin what is canon in the first films.


and I can understand all that. although you have to admit the original comics would NEVER have made it as a TV show. We had to wait ten years for things to mature a little and that gave us the wonderful 4kids series (well, first five anyway). where we saw shredder get his head chopped off (I was shocked they could go that far, and one poor sensor got fired for it!), poor Baxter get tortured and relived of body parts, and shredder actually die (Not once, but three times I think).....they also did a whole season without shredder where karai took over..

but for the original series, they had to lighten it up a bit. and it worked. back then though, people still discovered older stuff. I know I was SHOCKED as a kid when I found an issue of the original comics. in this case, I think it was the city at war series with worm shredder sometime around 1993.. although, when I got used to it and as I got older, I appreciated it and learned to love both. and now I give everything of TMNT at least one viewing chance......(I even stuck with Next Mutation till the end, even though it was terrible and I missed my animated series dearly)..... I even sat through that horrific Bay movie, and haven't been able to bring myself to watch it again since. the fact that paramount cared so little for the franchise as to hand it off to the lowest common denominator still annoys me to this day, when we could have had a serious-ly cool franchise out of it.

but at least in ghostbusters case, the original guys arn't behind this far as we know, it's all being taken out of their hands(which admittedly the original animated series was of TMNT....the comic guys had more control over that first movie which is why it turned out so good.) while the whole series isn't dead to me....I will still enjoy IDW, RGB, EGB, and the movies.....I can't get behind this remake.
Re: Ghostbusters 3

You inadvertently disprove your own point by using, as an example, a series where the character has remained the central character through SEVEN different actors.

Which is certainly true. You could also use Doctor Who as an example. But these multiple actors have kept to the same central story and same general concept. If you tried to do a James Bond movie where Bond was a waiter at a seedy restaurant who rode a mechanical bull on the weekend and called that James Bond, you'd be entirely missing the boat. It's only James Bond because the central story is the same. It's only Doctor Who because the central story is the same. Trying to make Ghostbusters where the central story isn't the same is a disaster.
Re: Ghostbusters 3

Ever heard of the Japanese Gundam franchise? That sucker has been through more reboots, re-imaginings and re-tellings than I can count. Sometimes a Gundam series was about a war between two factions fighting in mobile suit platforms with plane like cockpits. Sometimes it was about people fighting in tournaments where the Gundams were controlled with a full body suit. Sometimes the Gundams were toys that kids play with. I'm not kidding. They made an officially sanctioned Gundam series based around the premise of kids playing with Gundam model kits

Actually, they have a series on the air right now called Gundam Build Fighters which is about kids building Gundam models, then fighting in fantasy CGI battles with them. I resisted watching it for the longest time but it's actually not that bad of a show. It's in the second season right now, called Build Fighters Try. It doesn't stand up well against some of the best classic series but it's still worth watching.
Re: Ghostbusters 3

In fact, the Gundam franchise is difficult to classify as actually having any true reboot. In airing order, you have the original Gundam series (a.k.a. Gundam 0079), followed by Gundam Z, then Gundam ZZ, then Char's Counterattack, 0080, 0083, F91, and Victory Gundam, all existing within a single continuity. It wasn't until G Gundam that you could argue the series got anything close to a reboot, although the naming and dating conventions for these series make it abundantly clear that we're not actually "rebooting" the Universal Century continuity, but rather are talking about some alternate timeline/universe.

While it's true that many of the series, OVAs, and films draw inspiration (sometimes only mild, other times very heavy) from the original 0079 series, I wouldn't call them reboots, at least not within the Universal Century continuity. Moreover, the UC hasn't been rebooted yet, in the sense of implying "We'll never be returning to this universe again." Gundam Unicorn just wrapped up, I think, last year (or two years ago? I dunno -- I haven't seen that one), and it was told within the UC continuity. So, the UC still "exists" and may even be revisited again in the future, even while these alternate universes are explored.

The Gundam meta-series is kind of a weird animal to classify as far as reboots go. I'd say that subsequent non-UC series are more often better categorized as "reimaginings" of the original stuff. For example, Gundam Seed is almost identical to 0079's plotline, but it changes certain aspects as well. Gundam Seed Destiny bears some resemblance to Gundam Z, but diverges more than Seed did from 0079.

Within the UC, each independent series had certain familiar touchstones (e.g. young newtype protagonist, masked villain pilot with mysterious past, etc.), but beyond those broad strokes, the series are often very different in story and tone, and from 0079 up to Victory Gundam (and later Gundam Unicorn), they're all meant to be told within a single continuity. I wouldn't consider any of them reboots or reimaginings, so much as they are simply stories with similar elements running through them. I mean, geez, you can hardly call Victory Gundam a reboot of Gundam ZZ, ya know?
Re: Ghostbusters 3

They really haven't done reboots, they've just told stories in alternate universes so you have different versions of the same kind of story. The UC continuity is pretty solid and tells a relatively cohesive story. Seed and Seed Destiny are one line of the non-UC continuity and you notice it didn't really go beyond Destiny because it was pretty unpopular. They're never going to declare the UC continuity dead, but they had ideas that wouldn't work within the UC continuity, that's why they generated all these alternate views because they actually care about the continuity of their universe. Each of their little pocket Gundam universes are remarkably consistent, they don't just let people throw anything in there, it all has to be closely related and follow the same rules. They are very clear about what is actually related to what. I think the only reason they've done a couple of series about kids building model kits is because Gunpla is so popular in Japan, or at least having a modern resurgence after years of being pretty slow. Again, that's a different universe than the rest and it remains pretty consistent too.
Re: Ghostbusters 3

It's been a while since I've last seen The Real Ghostbusters, and I'm sorry if I'm wrong on this, but didn't Janine often help out as a Ghostbuster when needed, long before Kylie Griffin was introduced?

that she did. some of my favorite episodes. so there HAVE been women ghostbusters since the franchise started. this isn't new. it's just the way it's being done that people don't care about.
Re: Ghostbusters 3

Funny how The Real Ghostbusters gave Janine a few moments in the spotlight of being a Ghostbuster. That episode where everyone is trapped in dream land and it's all up to her, the moment she shouts "I'm a Ghostbuster!" was freaking epic.

So how does Ghostbusters 2, a film released a few years later handle this potential character growth? By giving her a stupid looking wig, being the tacked on love interest to Louis and having HIM becoming the fifth Ghostbuster. Adding insult to injury, her last scene is a shot of her sensually zipping up his jump suit. I have high hopes that this new film isn't going to put up with any of that kind of garbage.
Re: Ghostbusters 3

oh please. it fit with the first movie. and in case you don't remember, louis ALSO got to strap on a pack a time or two in the cartoon as well. it's ALSO a two hour movie. they can only fit so much into it. and there WAS the end shot sequence where they showed her handling the traps into the containment unit just like the cartoon did. the wig was probably done to match that horrendous redesign they gave janine when the show jumped to ABC where they made her into a mother character.....if you want to be pissed off at something, be pissed off at that..
speaking of which, do any fan groups know Annie Potts? Maybe it's time we donated to the cause and got her a jumpsuit pack and trap to wear just like they did with Ernie.

Re: Ghostbusters 3

I thought the Janine character took a beating in the 2nd movie. The spunky woman who liked Egon in the first movie does not seem like the same goofy woman jumping on Rick Moranis in the 2nd.
Re: Ghostbusters 3

There's plenty to complain about re: the second film, but that's kind of beside the point in terms of the criticisms of the reboot. Also, I suppose the "Ghostbusters 3" thread title should be changed to "Ghostbusters Reboot."
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