Ghost Rider WIP/Comments, questions ect.


Well-Known Member
Okay so i WAS working on an IM for myself, and one for some one else, but as it stands, i will BAREly finish the comission job in time for Halloween. Back up plan for the halloween parties? Ghost Rider with working flames.

Now i have already ascertained that a rig with some foam paper and orange/blue LEDs would be thebest way to go, problem is air delivery. Im guessing that some small flextubes (thin maybe 1/4 inch plastic) hooked up to a fan box will work, but im still a bit foggy on the deilvery system.

If you dont know what i mean by foam paper, think of the cheap plastic cauldrons that you get at wal-mart that have a fan at the bottom like the one pictured here:

I am planning on doing a face scuplt, then merging it with a bald cap, adding the fracture lines and such, ect., but curious to know if any one else has attempted this.

also thinking maybe an inch of foam padding srips to conceal the tubing under the latex/bald cap and sealing in the "flames" with latex for a seamless look.

EDIT: A further thought - maybe clear plastic sheets as opposed to foam paper for the flame effect?
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