Gentle Giant statues


Sr Member
Hey all

Ok my main target area is studio scale Star wars kits, yet lately ive been drawn to some of the statues around and forthcoming. I sadly missed out on GG's Dewback and could kick myself now as prices have risen quite high. Thing is whats everyones opinion on the Rancor and tauntauns?
To me the Luke on Tauntaun looks a little hoopty, the face sculpt kinda looks very odd in the pics ive seen, yet the Han version looks pretty cool. Any tips from guys (or gals) :p that collect would be nice to hear, looking at putting a pre order down on the Rancor at least, just be good to know what else is worth the plunge.

They look great but beware if you are a completist and want to collect them all Gentle Giant do make some of their products hard to collect. For example they release products that can be bought at conventions only meaning if you cannot attend the convention and the product sells out then Ebay is your best option and given what has happened with some of their products in the past get your wallet ready.

Their products are excellent but they don't seem to care less about their fan base.

Cheers Chris.