Garrus Mask WIP [image heavy]


New Member
Hi! Hope I'm posting in the right spot

Here's a thing I've been working on, Garrus Vakarian of Mass Effect fame, specifically the ME3 version. Mmm, heavy facial scars:


Raw plastic cast, unpainted. Original sculpt was done in oil clay, mask shown is hard plastic rotationally cast with smooth-cast, just pulled out of the mold.

First coat of paint:




Another coat of paint, plus some temporary eyes:

Really low quality photo, I know. Sorry!

I eventually popped out the cheapo eyes shown above and replaced them with much more game-accurate (and less anime-looking) painted glass eyes.

But thats as far as I've gotten!
Obviously, still need to do the fringe, the neck, and I'd like to touch up the paint job a bit more. This project was actually started over a year ago, but I had to put it aside for college and work.
I got my hands on some mask latex for a commissioned costume project earlier today, and there will definitely be excess, so I'll be using that to make his neck! Fringe and back of the neck scutes will probably be made with the same technique as the face, cast hard plastic.

Eventually, I want to make the entire costume, but full body armor in a not-even-human shape is pretty intimidating, so we're just gonna not think about that right now so I don't get scared.

Anyway! Just joined the forum, wanted to get this out there, will update this thread (probably slowly) as I make progress. Feel free to make suggestions/critiques as I go :D
I'm a bit confused in the 1st three pics the damage is on the right side of the mask and in the finished photo the damage is on the left :confused even if its a mirror shot somthing seams off?
please dont blow up at me I just dont understand
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