Limited Run === G R A F L E X === Flashgun Gen.2 ... now taking PRE-ORDERS!!! New Pics Oct. 5

Re: === G R A F L E X === Flashgun ... NOW SHIPPING!!!

Two vintage one step MPPs with large B ports and correct bottoms, one with silver side bars and one with black. Correct blue PCB on the ESB/ROTJ (took me 10 exactras to get the right one). Eight vintage graflexes, three of them Folmer New York's. Two Kobolds. Three real part Obi Wan sabers and only one booster away from four. I have gone through 12 vintage grenades and provided dozens of parts to others for their builds. There is no way I care about accuracy.

What I do understand is the nature of producing the replicas and it's not that we don't see it. It's that we have the decency not to denigrate the people that took the time, energy, and money to bring us the best replica they were able to provide and demand that they answer our questions on an online forum where they are being berated by a select few people.
Re: === G R A F L E X === Flashgun ... NOW SHIPPING!!!

This is really getting out of hands. It's like buying a Rolex Submariner replica and then complain because it's not waterproof.

Had to quote this one because in addition to being very insulting, it's also completely off the mark. Instead of this analogy, how about an apt one?

Compare instead to the multi-billion dollar auto industry and OEM (multi-supplier), replica & compatible parts suppliers.

You know all that discussion about third-party FX blade-holder "toys?" How about the person who bought a few replicas to help build out their vintage flashes as static props? How are they going to be able to do that using the internals of this replica? The alignment issue will still be there.

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What I do understand is the nature of producing the replicas and it's not that we don't see it. It's that we have the decency not to denigrate the people that took the time, energy, and money to bring us the best replica they were able to provide and demand that they answer our questions on an online forum where they are being berated by a select few people.

I'm with you there, which is why I've defended the process and Roman at every turn, which hasn't been fun at all on FB, let me tell you. One can recognize all the differences (faults if you will) and still appreciate the engineering and endeavor.

Some people were expecting less, some more and some have exactly what they expected. I don't think the extreme positions being expressed here and esp on FB are helpful. Thankfully it looks like only a small number of people are out on the fringes.
Re: === G R A F L E X === Flashgun ... NOW SHIPPING!!!

You know all that discussion about third-party FX blade-holder "toys?" How about the person who bought a few replicas to help build out their vintage flashes as static props? How are they going to be able to do that using the internals of this replica?.

If someone offers parts that don´t fit - do it again, develop and offer a new version that does.
Re: === G R A F L E X === Flashgun ... NOW SHIPPING!!!

I, for one, am excited to make this my first graflex build. I am planning a reveal but do not want to remove the original parts. Is there a way to do it without the blade holder? I don't even need lights in the emitter, I just want the sound and lights for the reveal section.
Re: === G R A F L E X === Flashgun ... NOW SHIPPING!!!

I, for one, am excited to make this my first graflex build. I am planning a reveal but do not want to remove the original parts. Is there a way to do it without the blade holder? I don't even need lights in the emitter, I just want the sound and lights for the reveal section.

yes you can do that, i plan on doing the same thing. im pretty sure the darth rylo chassis will screw into the factory Graflex guts. if not, you can make a simple adapter plate out of anything

i plan on doing the same thing. having this just be a reveal saber, it really surprises people when they come over and you have the saber closed up, and then show them the reveal
Re: === G R A F L E X === Flashgun ... NOW SHIPPING!!!

I, for one, am excited to make this my first graflex build. I am planning a reveal but do not want to remove the original parts. Is there a way to do it without the blade holder? I don't even need lights in the emitter, I just want the sound and lights for the reveal section.

You just have to find a way to secure the chassis internally. I suppose it can be left loose, but ideally it would be secured to the top half - even friction attachment can work. This should be possible with the chassis from Goth and MBSabers on Shapeways if you don't plan to try and build your own.

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yes you can do that, i plan on doing the same thing. im pretty sure the darth rylo chassis will screw into the factory Graflex guts. if not, you can make a simple adapter plate out of anything

I don't know if the two screw holes on the bottom of the vintage socket line up with the rails on the Goth chassis (which are spaced/positioned for the holes on the SH, TGS and TCSS holders) - I'd guess no. But yeah, a small plate would do it. Crystal reveal on an otherwise prop-like piece is what I want for my personal saber as well.
Re: === G R A F L E X === Flashgun ... NOW SHIPPING!!!

You just have to find a way to secure the chassis internally. I suppose it can be left loose, but ideally it would be secured to the top half - even friction attachment can work. This should be possible with the chassis from Goth and MBSabers on Shapeways if you don't plan to try and build your own.

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I don't know if the two screw holes on the bottom of the vintage socket line up with the rails on the Goth chassis (which are spaced/positioned for the holes on the SH, TGS and TCSS holders) - I'd guess no. But yeah, a small plate would do it. Crystal reveal on an otherwise prop-like piece is what I want for my personal saber as well.

i was just looking at the chassis before you posted, i believe your right. a simple adapter plate would be needed. you can make this out of styrene, wood, metal anything really, it is not that complicated and could be made in 5 minutes

you could also 3d print, or use a dowel. get a dowel that fits real tight inside the graflex tube.. many easy options :thumbsup
Re: === G R A F L E X === Flashgun ... NOW SHIPPING!!!

Accuracy has always been important to be, thats why have several real graflexes...i even took the leap and converted one into a Vader ROTJ saber with the intent to make it as accurate as pissible-


Ive even made my own contributions to accuracy in the 15 years ive been a member.

- remember the D ring on the Luke ANH saber used be position along the edge of the tube?
I was the one that noticed it was actually positioned along the center of the bottom.
That thread eventually lead to the disover of the 7th grip on the Luke and Vader Abh sabers.

- the discovery of Vaders hero 2 saber

Unfortunately the prices of Graflex has skyrocketted over the past couple of years which makes the option of using a real graflex a tough decision.
That decision being - do i pay $700 for a flash gun that is 100% accurate , or one that is the best replica available even though it may be off by 1mm?

If accuracy is that important then one should have no problem saving up to buy a genuine Graflex.

I also would suggest not selling of your Roman replica just yet.
You'll probably end up regretting it if a correct blade holder is made and find yourself out of luck when Roman graflex's are no longer available.

To be honest i dont quite understand the complaint of accuracy regarding the blade holder when adding the blade holder itself is far more innacurate than that the original complaint of a 1mm discrepency in the hole.

Its seems innacuracies are unnacceptable unless said person's personal preference is benefitted by the innacuracy..and theres nothing wrong with that, but i dont think Roman should be held accountable for this.
His intent was to create an accurate prop, and in my opinion he succeeded.
Re: === G R A F L E X === Flashgun ... NOW SHIPPING!!!

To be honest i dont quite understand the complaint of accuracy regarding the blade holder when adding the blade holder itself is far more innacurate

I don't think anyone has made that complaint for that reason. Not in terms of accuracy anyway. People are upset because they've bought parts that are not compatible and no matter how fault or blame is laid (or whether it is), these people have put out money that they feel has been wasted in some way. Then there are people who are upset about what was advertised compared to what was received - in terms of accuracy, fit and finish, etc. These things (and more) can all be separate - I don't think it's fair to say that someone's POV is invalid either way.

I personally don't care about an existing third-party holder fitting, only about the similarity to a vintage flash and interchangeability.

It will be a few months before I sell anything as I have other projects, including commissions for other people on a number of fronts that take precedence. More than enough time to shake everything out.
Re: === G R A F L E X === Flashgun ... NOW SHIPPING!!!

A person in jedi costume without jedi forcepower wielding a lighted plastic stick - come on, how more inaccurate can it get? :lol
Re: === G R A F L E X === Flashgun ... NOW SHIPPING!!!

People are upset because they've bought parts that are not compatible and no matter how fault or blame is laid (or whether it is), these people have put out money that they feel has been wasted in some way..

That´s more or less the same than people buying tires and rims that match on a Toyota before buying a Honda - hoping they might fit.

Clever way would be to buy the car (graflex replica) first and then look for matching parts, then spend money for that. ;)
Re: === G R A F L E X === Flashgun ... NOW SHIPPING!!!

That´s more or less the same than people buying tires and rims that match on a Toyota before buying a Honda - hoping they might fit.

Clever way would be to buy the car (graflex replica) first and then look for matching parts, then spend money for that. ;)

Re: === G R A F L E X === Flashgun ... NOW SHIPPING!!!

Clever way would be to buy the car (graflex replica) first and then look for matching parts, then spend money for that. ;)

This I've already described. Someone buys a vintage flash and then buys this replica which is advertised as matching for over a year, only to find out that's not the case when they receive the goods.

The vintage is the car (it's the original) and the replica constitutes replacement parts. Apt analogy, not backwards analogies.

PLEASE. Stop blaming the consumer - you're not doing anyone, including Roman, any favors.
Re: === G R A F L E X === Flashgun ... NOW SHIPPING!!!

Please stop arguing - there is noone to blame than the customer.

It is the best replica of the real one offered up to date (some are equal, but not better), if that is not good enough for a person, shut up and buy a real one like we did. :)
Re: === G R A F L E X === Flashgun ... NOW SHIPPING!!!

It is the best replica of the real one offered up to date (some are equal, but not better), if that is not good enough for a person, shut up and buy a real one like we did. :)

I dropped about $1000 with Roman last year - I should be blamed for recognizing the dozens (and I mean dozens) of inaccuracies that differntiate this replica from a real vintage part? I thought this was the RPF? Seems accuracy doesn't mean squat after all - at least it doesn't appear that discussing technical topics is as important as trying to tell someone else off.

Arguing? I'm not arguing, but I'm tired of correcting someone who doesn't want to take the effort to even read what anyone else is writing. It's obvious some people have already covered their ears and are yelling "nah nah nah" all day long. Stay deaf, stay blind. Whatever. Staying mute would be the take-away here though.
Re: === G R A F L E X === Flashgun ... NOW SHIPPING!!!

Don´t think so slow - buy a real or buy a replica, but don´t be so stupid to hope for a cheap replica being as good as a real one. Be happy if it gets close, and this is damn close.

Perfect? No. If someone thinks it´s not good enough and the real one is to expensive - try to stay in the basement and wait until a unicorn rides over the rainbow to fullfill your wishes. :lol
Re: === G R A F L E X === Flashgun ... NOW SHIPPING!!!

Thanks (again) for proving my point. You should obviously sell your vintage as it sounds like you don't have the eye to appreciate it.
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