Futurama - Brainslug.


Well-Known Member
Awwwww, C'mon...how could I NOT sculpt one.....:)

Everyone's favourite Futurama parasite - The Brainslug..

cast from 00 silicone, what do you think?

Well, I can cast them with a flat base, or with a convex base, so in theory I could seal a length of elastic in to make them wearable.....I'm planning on doing a run actually...just need to work out what the materials cost per pull so I know what to ask.....seriously, what do the good people of the RPF think I shou;d be asking?

There'll be regular and glow in the dark versions.
A length of elastic, or perhaps a couple of bobby pins or an alligator clip or something!

Re: price, I have no idea. Isn't silicone a relatively expensive material, compared to resin and whatnot?
It is compared to resin, bear in mind that the slug is actually squishy...so will be comfy to wear...:)

It's not massively more expensive than Urethane though. and I make all my masks from Urethane.
oooooooh i like i like. id be intrested in one depending on price. what size are you planing to make it.

I thought they would be more of a transparent green, but I was thinking of the toy they released a while back.

Amazing sculpt :)

I usually don't pop in on non-Junkyard threads with "I'll take one!!" posts, but...whatever it costs, I'll take one. :lol You did a fantastic job on it! :)
Not to sound too redundant, but I want to echo everyone's comments thus far. This is ten kinds of awesome!