Fullmetal Alchemist Alphonse Elric Pepakura Files

Wow that's a shocker a fellow Pepakura Master has commented. Dungbeetle, do you think you could take a look at the Ed Automail Arm to see if you could tune it more for a person to wear?
And I'll be releasing the unfolded file of Ed's Arm tomarrow, as for making it out of foam, don't even think about it, this is that detailed.
Maybe, btw guys the Arm is 30 inches going from shoulder socket to the tip of the middle finger. 128 Pieces. This is going off the measurement of my arm.
So is there anything else from Fullmetal Alchemist I'm missing or is this all for now? I have the Alchemist Watch 3D Model but not sure if I should do it or not considering it's so easy to just get a old pocketwatch and do some scribing.
Ok just got the Shoulder Bell done, and to keep all my files for Al in one area it's on Page 1 Post #25. Took another look at the game and got the shoulder bell out at another pose.
Wow that's a shocker a fellow Pepakura Master has commented. Dungbeetle, do you think you could take a look at the Ed Automail Arm to see if you could tune it more for a person to wear?
It will take a lot of work. This thing has lots of errors. If you like working with foam, check out Amethyst Angel's Automail Arm Tutorial

It is easier than pep and the files are free and more accurate than this model. I would use pep fingers from the ironman pep files though. They look better in my opinion.
I'm going to alter the 3d model to make it more accurate to the anime, so I'll release it as soon as I'm done. I may need to be reminded as I don't visit the RPF as much anymore and I am supposed to be working on other things.
Thanks Dungbeetle, yeah that's my thoughts exactly is that the Amethyst Angel tutorial is better and easier to do with foam over trying to use my file.
Thanks so much for this, and the code. It might be a while before I can get to it, but when I can I'll be sure to send some pics of "little" Al.
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