Deprecated FULL SIZE Alien Warrior head. (banned)

Re: FULL SIZE Alien Warrior head.

Hi Marty, you need to clear some of your PMs, your box is full. ;)

Ah, right you are bud. Cleaned house a bit.

Took some updated pics after the heads have been "silvered", so the net step is to hit the deep blacks and seal it with a thin acrylic. Over this acrylic the final skin of the head will be painted. I may have to get a new airbrush since mine has become...unpredictable. Im going to mess with it tonight and if that doesnt work and I dont feel safe working with it then I need to order a new one. People are just going to love waiting on that....fingers crossed:)

Its interesting to note how much the flash responds to the silver and drowns out everything else. I promise they dont actually look like big robots:)


Re: FULL SIZE Alien Warrior head.

I noticed they don't have the mouth/tongue. Seems like that would be a cool add-on.
Re: FULL SIZE Alien Warrior head.

I can personally vouch for the quality of these's mine. Granted, I did the paint job myself, but the casting is KILLER.







Re: FULL SIZE Alien Warrior head.

Wow this is going to be worth the wait! Looking forward to it Marty and take your time with mine if you need to.
Re: FULL SIZE Alien Warrior head.

Wow this is going to be worth the wait! Looking forward to it Marty and take your time with mine if you need to.

Cool cool. I get a solid hour and a half per day to work on these if im lucky. Even so, we're getting it done. The "bone" one is going to to be the most fun I think. Its ready for the last coat, then the black details, then the acrylic. I tested on cardboard and a clay owl I had sitting around to figure out how to make it look like the picture I was given. In the next round of pics I will feature it much more than just having it sitting on a table with 3 others (its the yellowish one). When its done you'll understand why I like it so much:)

The pics featured are of some more traditional heads more as an assurance type thing.





Oh, and lets all thank photobucket for updating so much that its totally unusable now. I guess we'll have to click links until I have to learn yet again how to use that damn site.

The main point is that these are all nearing completion and im showing the progress being made. Looks like this 5 custom heads thing is going to happen in a reasonable amount of time after all:) Well, reasonable to the guy making them anyway lol.
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Re: FULL SIZE Alien Warrior head.

Hi Marty, I know you are super busy and working on finishing these up with the limited time you have. These all look amazing!

Do you plan on doing more in the near future or sometime soon. :)
Re: FULL SIZE Alien Warrior head.

Yeah, Photobucket is a PITA now - really wish they didn't change it.

None of your pics work though - you've linked to the files on your computer (which we can't see).
Re: FULL SIZE Alien Warrior head.

Yeah, Photobucket is a PITA now - really wish they didn't change it.

None of your pics work though - you've linked to the files on your computer (which we can't see).

Great. Are there any other sites we can use now that work like photobucket used to?
Re: FULL SIZE Alien Warrior head.

Is imghost out? Itching to see those new pics :)

Working on it. They WILL be up tonight, promise. These heads are still unfinished, but the newer pics show more of the dark details and such. I repeat, these are unfinished. New pics upcoming in the next post tonight.

Edit: GOT SOME PICS UP!!!!!!!! Though these arent the latest. Each head is custom so more pics on they're way showing them lined up for comparison.








NEXT POST: Updated pics:)
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Re: FULL SIZE Alien Warrior head.

Some more, a bit further along. I just so happened to have my new airbrush and time to work on these and...out of gloss black,of all things....

Anyway, here we go: Not sure why some of the colors look so strange in the flash, or why they look a bit shorter than they are. I hate my camera...







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