Freddy Glove help

Well you can buy it for 50 bucks here:

That's a pretty good price, I wonder if you an do it yourself for that?

But anyway, what's the fun in buying. ;)

I don't think your image has the right gloves, look at the details around the wrist and such. But I have no idea which ones where used for the movie.
Well almost every movie used a different base glove. So which version would you like to do? That would help to know which brand of glove to buy.

The one that Sir-Round posted isn't accurate to any movie, it's more of a custom design. Also and this is just my opnion but the weathing looks so-so at best.

On a side note the leather gloves posted above would be really good for a Jason Costume from Friday the 13th part 6 and with a ton of weathering part 7 also.
Wells lamont.. was the brand the used from ANoes 1-6 although you will be hard pressed to find an original the closest I have come is a stanley work glove with the ball and clasp ;)