Found Possible 2nd Deckard Hero Blaster on Ebay - Now with video!


Master Member

:eek Damn, I never spotted any of those details watching the movie!!
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Re: Found Possible 2nd Deckard Hero Blaster on Ebay!


i actually sprayed the screen

nice one:thumbsup
Re: Found Possible 2nd Deckard Hero Blaster on Ebay!

Just noticed a clip strip of about twenty of those things at the local grocery store, earlier today...
Re: Found Possible 2nd Deckard Hero Blaster on Ebay!

It's Deckard's lesser known water pistol. When lethal force is not authorized, he uses alcohol and squirts replicants in the eyes. :lol
Re: Found Possible 2nd Deckard Hero Blaster on Ebay!

What grocery store? If they're cheap I may just pick one up as a fun repaint project.
Re: Found Possible 2nd Deckard Hero Blaster on Ebay!

That has to be done by the same company that does the snubby knock off too.
Re: Found Possible 2nd Deckard Hero Blaster on Ebay!

That's what it would look like if a "licensed BR Blaster" was made.

Re: Found Possible 2nd Deckard Hero Blaster on Ebay!


:eek Damn, I never spotted any of those details watching the movie!!

The long-awaited Worldcon version of this old kit:


Darn it, I'm gonna have a tough time deciding whether or not to upgrade now... :confused
Re: Found Possible 2nd Deckard Hero Blaster on Ebay!

I wouldn't mind picking one up if only for costuming purposes... what does it say on the packaging? (for those who have seen them at the stores)
Re: Found Possible 2nd Deckard Hero Blaster on Ebay!

From Ebay description

Emits a shooting sound with lights when firing. A piston on the front also agetates when firing.
There is also a compartment in the middle with soft balls that spin in the lights.
Emits a laser light when firing. Care must be taken not to point this in the eyes.

Re: Found Possible 2nd Deckard Hero Blaster on Ebay!

I can't help myself. I want one. I need help, both to find one, and for therepy :D

Re: Found Possible 2nd Deckard Hero Blaster on Ebay!

Search for 'flashy space gun' on Ebay UK.