For horror movie fans and fans of the "Psycho" films.


Master Member
Now, I'm submitting this post here for any fans of the "Psycho" film series, or at least any horror movie fans that love the films. Not too long ago, I came across the Psycho Movies website, basically a fan site dedicated to the "Psycho" film series. When there, I came across an announcement that a fan of the films was doing a documentary about the series, called "The Psycho Legacy." I figured I'd share the info, as it is about to be released on DVD. And they've got interviews with not just people who like the films, but has some interviews with people who were involve the productions.

Here's the trailer for it:

Here's the website for it: THE PSYCHO LEGACY - 50 Years of Norman Bates

I figured I'd share this for anyone who loves the movies.
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