Thanks! I got mine from ebay UK. It was a little more expensive that Japan but im impaitient!That is AWESOME! Where'd you get the kit?
Very nice!
Did you use the kit decals?
Try is AWESOME! Where'd you get the kit?
I'm still waiting for my kit I bought on ebay a few days ago. These pictures make me even more impatient now.
My problem is, I'm sure I'll never get that kind of weathering done without an airbrush, will I?
I really want to turn this into a great-looking dispay, but painting it with regular brushes will never make it look that good I guess... :cry
Woah! I just recieved my kit today, and I must say the details on that kit are absolutely stunning! And it's even a bit bigger than I expected! Can't wait to start working on it, but on the other hand, I must force myself NOT to rush this thing.
I'm not sure yet about the fuselage colour. It's supposed to be Tamiya AS-16 (Light Gray), but that's a spray, and my guess is it's the same as XF-66 but I'm not sure, as I don't have any of those two.
I'll probably leave the fuselage for now until I can afford an airbrush...
I cant quite remember the ratio i used to mix the paint. It was originally used on my MR Falcon but it looks spot on to me. I think it was 2 complete jars of Tamiya flat white with 2 teaspoons of Tamiya Deck tan...