Firefly/Serenity Mal's pistol dimensions request


New Member
Hello. I am in need of dimensions for Mals hero pistol from Firefly/Serenity. What I want is a topdown photo of the gun with a measuring rule or tape or stick.

I have been givin the opportunity to use a laser cutter and CNC mill, but I am away from home without my computer and with just my iPad, so I'm looking for help from the community so I can take advantage of the opportunity. I don't need a CAD file, a normal photo should work but if anyone has a CAD .dwg of the gun, that would be incredible.

If I can get what I need in time I will photograph that cutting for everyone on the forum to see.

Thanks for any help you can give me.
Well that was part of what I need. Unforchently I didn't save it before you took it down. That was great but I also need the side view of it. If you can't post the photos, DM me the links.

Again, any help anyone can give would be awesome!!
Here's a thread for a scratch build mal pistol over at I posted in there somewhere a line drawing of the main part of the gun. There's instructions to print it out at the correct scale.

I left the barrel off because it wouldn't fit on a single sheet. It's almost exactly 4 inches long from the last piece that is seen on that drawing. I think it's .75 inches thick.

Good luck, hope this helps. • View topic - Halloween Scratchbuilt Mal Pistol