Firefly, new additions, Zoe, Jayne and Mal, lots of pics


Master Member
Figured it would be fun to show these off as a whole before putting them up on ebay. As with the Mal Firefly holster rigs recently sold, these are all patterned off the original screen used items but this time, they are shown with the real deal hero weapons from the series (minus Mal's gun of course).

Whats funny is the reproduction Mal Serenity movie rig runs circles around the screen used rig. The film was propped in a little bit of a rush and some items suffered including Mal's coat and holster rig. Mal's holster is considerably different due to the script calling for Mal to "quick draw" his weapon. If memory serves, Nathan got a few blisters mastering the quick draw. The movie rig was also a very thin leather where the tv rig was a road worthy piece.

Zoe's Mare's Leg rig shown with the hero rifle. I think there is half a cow in this thing. The maker who is a master at leather work, had to over come some obstacles to make it fully functional. Since the original was pre-existing to Firefly, it had been well worn and used before making it to Zoe. Even by having the original to pattern and reverse engineer, some serious ingenuity came into play.






and to complete the rig, Zoe's back up side arm holster. Its even got the molding errors of the original. Also shown with the hero pistol.


and how they appeared in the series.

Jayne's knife sheath shown with the hero knife.

and in case anyone ever wondered the differences between the Mal Firefly tv series and the Serenity movie gun belt rigs. Sorry for the dim photos, lost the light.

and the holsters, notice the trigger area on the movie rig.

The belt and buckle difference is seemingly comparable to a Leprechaun,
Wow, just wow. THe tooling is just beatiful!!! I'd love to see some clearer, better lit photos to really see the extent of work you did on the grain weathering (read: whiter light).

Just gorgeous!!!
Just...very cool!
I wish there was some way to justify these works-of-art holster rigs.
Sigh; neither my budget nor my display plan has room for these.
Thanks for the info and the continued interest/awareness in the 'verse.

Wow, just wow. THe tooling is just beatiful!!! I'd love to see some clearer, better lit photos to really see the extent of work you did on the grain weathering (read: whiter light).

Just gorgeous!!!

how much closer you want :)

The maker really out did himself.
The attention to detail is outstanding.

Zoe's back up holster,



Zoe's Mare's Leg rig,




Mal's Firefly rig,




Mal's Serenity rig,




Jayne's knife sheath,


I got one of Mal's Firefly rigs a couple of weeks ago and it is a real work of art, will you be offering any of the Zoe rigs other than ebay?
The Zoe rigs will be offered but very, very limited due to the amount of work and detail that goes into each one. Later today the one pictured will be up on ebay.
Is the Zoe pistol the one with the cut-off barrel? Think it was seen in the pilot..
Don't suppose any of those Jayne sheaths will ever make it to market?

I finally got mah greedeh little hands on a Liberty Bowie.

I'm amazed, but not surprised, by the quality of work on display here.

Those are great, and great photos too! Would it be possible to get photos or measurements of Jayne's knife?
Does Jayne's knife have the "Liberty or Death" motto and logo on it, like the Liberty Bowie described in the FF companion? I read somewhere that Baldwin once commented that there were no markings of any kind on the knife.