Granted, I think it's just fow the doc's got his set up -- it seems most every stick he's got in there but the encyclopedia is medical related. Anyhow, I'm going for more of a "junior Kaylee/kid of the ''verse" kinda look.
To that end, while I've not done anything to the inside yet, I made up some Kaylee-esque "shiny stickers" for the shell. Also stuck some on my "Mark V" PAL, since I have yet to track down the real thing. Hey, it's close, right?
Anyhow, I'll prolly put those stickers up on CafePress or som'n for the browncoats over on Joss' site. There's a few others I didn't bother to cut out, but those are the good ones one there.
The bank label I just printed on a T-shirt transfer and ironed it onto a bag I made.
The Chinese on that one at least is right -- one of my coworkers is from China and was kind enough to translate it for me. The stickers are babelfish generated, but since they're all simple words ('love' 'flowers' 'butterflies' 'pretty song') I figure they're pretty close.
I have a grpahic mostly done for the inside -- I just haven't even thought about making the lightbox for it yet what with Christmas projects for several friends.