FINISHED! Flynn's Hideout from TRON LEGACY


New Member
Here is the mostly finished room with me in my cosplay without the beard
Check it out at



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Re: FINISHED! Flunn's Hideout from TRON LEGACY

WHo is Flunn? :lol

J/K looks cool!
Re: FINISHED! Flunn's Hideout from TRON LEGACY

It was late when I put this up. Is there any way to edit a title on here?
Re: FINISHED! Flunn's Hideout from TRON LEGACY

sure. edit your first post. 'go advanced' and it should let you edit the title, too :)
Re: FINISHED! Flunn's Hideout from TRON LEGACY

Looks great Moose! Where did you get the bracelet from, as I've been looking for one for my collection and can't seem to find an exact match?
THANKS FOR THE TIP! The title is fixed.

As for the bracelet I made it myself from scratch. It even has the correct number of beads. :)
LOL The power cord was a pain at this event. We only had one outlet to run the whole Tron room and sound system, the tardis, 5 droids, and other little stuff on. We were supposed to have three outlets. Oh well, next con will be improved upon. :)