Finished busts Luke Leia and Han

Hello everyone

I just wanted to show some pictures of some busts that I painted for Indy_Solo. We are talking about 3 Star Wars busts, Cking´s Luke and Leia,
and Chewie15´s Han Solo.
They have all very nice and expensive prosthetic eyes from C&N Eyes.
Chinh, I didn´t attach any eye lashes on Luke or Han as they looked way to female with that. So I painted eye lashed instead with a small pensil, very light, looks great.

I am very sorry for the long delay Chinh, I have been very busy.
I want to thank you for your great patience, and I hope it will be well worth the wait once you get them, wich will be soon.
The will be going out this week, finally:lol
Anyway on to the pictures, hope you like them.








HoLy CoW!! That is amazing work. With such realism with those closeups . Talent that I wish I had:eek

Awesome work! I can't thank you enough for the beautiful finishing job which completely complements CKing's/Howard's busts. They look magnificent and come to life with the glass eyes.
Your attention to details on skin tone and texture are amazing!
I notice Luke's right nostril looks a bit like he had a slight bloody nose and Leia's lips could be more glossy red but it may be the photo. Han is my favorite! Great... just great! :thumbsup
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i said it once but i won´t quit repeating it over and over again...

AMAZING talent, björn!
Very, very nice work!!!

Very realistic paint jobs!

You should update your site with some of these incredible recent paint jobs!

Love 'em!
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HOLY S***!!! those are some of the nicest paint ups I've seen in a long time...the Luke is my fav..the eyes really add life to the bust...PERFECTION!(y)thumbsup
I don't believe you... you didn't paint that. That's too insane... you found someone who looked like those three and chopped off their heads. Only way to explain it. Too good.

I envy your talent! :thumbsup