Finally!! My collection is online!


Sr Member
I have been wanting to do this for a while but just never got around to it. I don't love the layout or how the icons got distorted, but I'm limited in my website builder program. So it is really just meat and potatoes! :)

I started adding descriptions but got busy doing other things, so only a few have any. Anyway, I hope you enjoy. Warning, it takes a few minutes to load, still working on that.

Jhusel's prop collection
Superb. Absolutely top-notch. Your photography of your props is about the best on the RPF. Would love to know more on how you achieve the all-white backbground.
Absolutely fantastic :thumbsup

I agree that the photos are top notch, really shows the details.
I love the Necromonger pistol! Must get one of those at some point. Is it a screen used one?
Very nice collection! My wife took one look and said, "He's got a thing for weapons, dosen't he?" ;)

I love the layout and HTML coding. Great job.

Looks great! The only thing I'd change, if you could, would be to make the name of the picture visible somehow so I could click through the gallery and know what i'm looking at,,. otherwise... gooorrrrgeous! brrrr!
I don't think it is screen used, but I believe it to be a stunt version. It is a foam/rubber casting and is very nice and clean.

Thanks for the compliments everyone! I had fun putting it together.

If you roll your mouse over the first phaser, it should give you a description before you click on it. I think that is what you are talking about. Whenever I get the rest of the descriptions, they'll all have that.

Thank you guys! I've had fun collecting over the last 10 years or so. What a fun ride it's been.

Nah, it's okay I guess. lol

I have to give credit to Cliff on my photo skills. He used to be a very active member and has an incredible collection of Star Wars. He is the guy who taught me how to take pics, so I owe that to him. Good guy!

Between you and Sporak there are not going to be any phasers left for anyone else. What happened to that kinda crappy funny looking Klingon communicator you used to have? :lol