FINAL new website design teaser picture


Active Member
Dear all,

after many, many hours of work of several talented people inkl. Kim (holster maker and graphic designer of AB) I'm very proud to show you the first teaser picture of the upcomming new website. We've gone through COUNTLESS variations before this came out but as always, input and suggestions are HIGHLY appreciated.



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Re: Teaser picture for new website

Very well done.

A couple of errors in the text though: in the Fourth line, of the fourth paragraph, there's a number 4 that shouldn't be there.

Also, later in the same paragraph, the phrase "who's tailor" should be "whose tailor."

There may be more, but those stand out....
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Re: Teaser picture for new website

That looks fantastic Marc! Kim does great things! Is this just for ABD, or will Steve's website get the same treatment?

Johnny Fedora:cool
Re: Teaser picture for new website

I like it, it is clean and neat. The only thing i whould recomend in the change the font in the text to some more suitible and theme alike the website. Not to hard to read. Like font California.
Re: Teaser picture for new website

Here it is Gents! The - heck, I stopped counting at one point - and thereby finally approved front page of the new AB-Dlx. site:


The text is only a place holder so before you go ahead and ask if it's Danish, no it's not :)

Lemme know what you think.


Re: Teaser picture for new website

Here it is Gents! The - heck, I stopped counting at one point - and thereby finally approved front page of the new AB-Dlx. site:

Lemme know what you think.


Here are my 2 cents ...

I like the look and feel of it. It's hard to tell how big the font and how the spacing works based on a screen shot, but the navigation buttons look a bit wide. I am wondering, what is the primary mission statement of your site? What is the call to action? What do you want people to do when they come to your website? Educate them? (proud maker of Fedoras .. learn more, or how our hats are made)? Or is your primary mission to sell your hats? If it is selling hats (I assume it is) I would probably move the ordering button further up in the navigation under the home button. What were you planning to put under "links"? One thing you don't want to do if you are selling on the web is to have people navigate away from your site, you might want to think about removing this section completely. I like that you have a testimonial section, which along with the history tab will help validate your business. Overall I think it's pretty classy looking, the brownish colors go well with the "Indiana Jones" theme! Good luck and make sure you post here when this goes live!
Looks excellent!!!

For not being a die hard Indiana fan it definetly has my interest. I will have to favorite place it when you go live.

Good Luck with the site.
Marc, the site looks great!

I've sent Steve a couple of emails regarding my Adventurebilt order but it's been months and I haven't heard back from him. He said last year that the hat would be shipping before the movie opens, but now that's less than a month away and my shipping address has changed. I don't know if I ever let him know when our company moved last summer... Are you in touch with him regularly? Would you mind asking him if he could take a look for an email from westies14@aol .com in his inbox or junk mail folders? I would hate for that thing to go to the wrong address or get lost... Thanks Marc! Keep up the great work - I can't wait to see my first Adventurebilt hat in person!

- Douglas