files and detective badge replica


New Member
Hello everyone! I'm new in the forum, but I think this website may help me!
Please me and a friend of mine are making a film for a competitionin UK, but we need some replicas of files ( doesn't matter if is from CSI or X-Files or even police) and 2 Detective badges, but unfortunatelly we can't find it anywhere:unsure! Does anyone know how to find them! please we need it ASAP.
TRhank you very much for everyone's time!:)
Thank you very much Cmdr.Kerner! this is basically what I'm looking, the last picture! thank you! I can use that one as a example and make a few more cause I acctually need about 5 or 6!
Hi Bear,

as far as I know all these files are from the interactive X-Files CD with tons of paper props.

Does anyone have the X-files prop CD that Dietrich mentioned? Can anyone perhaps create a zip file of all of them for me? I'm always looking to add to my X-files/paper prop collection.

Thanks to the all powerful RPF:)
Bear-- I *might* have the X-Files CD that you're asking for. I'll try to look for it this weekend. If I have it, it's buried! LOL
Does anyone have the X-files prop CD that Dietrich mentioned? Can anyone perhaps create a zip file of all of them for me? I'm always looking to add to my X-files/paper prop collection.

Thanks to the all powerful RPF:)

Hi Bear,

if DS Operative can't find his CD send me a PM with your email address. A few years ago I got these files (about 60 MB large) from Yen-Chih Lin.
