Favorite Movies from the 80's that nobody seems to talk about anymore

I long await a sequel or prequel or remake or anything resembling this!

You best rent The Life Aquatic, then.
"Time Bandits" for sure!!!

Amd a guilty pleasure that I never click past if I stumble across it while surfing... "Back to School"


Evil: If I were creating the world I wouldn't mess about with butterflies and daffodils. I would have started with lasers, eight o'clock, Day One!


Robin Hood: And you're a robber too. How long have you been a robber?
Wally: Four foot one.
Robin Hood: Good lord! Jolly good. Four foot one?
Wally: Yes.
Robin Hood: Well that-that-that is-is- a long time, isn't it?
I don't think anyone has ever talked about "Student Bodies"... ever. Love that movie.

"Malvert help make punch -- Malvert pee red."

Demolition man
About last night
9 to 5
Joe vs the Volcano
All Of Me
Unfaithfully Yours
Foul Play
Hero at Large
Wholy Moses
History of the World
Stir Crazy
Lovin' the additions that hadn't been mentioned yet!

Sorry Jet, but these came out in the 90's - Timecop (94), Demolition Man (93), Joe vs the Volcano (90).
Still fun flicks though! :)
Lovin' the additions that hadn't been mentioned yet!

Sorry Jet, but these came out in the 90's - Timecop (94), Demolition Man (93), Joe vs the Volcano (90).
Still fun flicks though! :)

Yikes - i coulda sworn Joe came out in 89.... Yeah, i spaced on the other two. Okay i take those three back and give you

Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon
Last week, me and my friends watched 3 o'clock High. It was either going to be that or License to Drive (another classic). Since me and another guy never saw High before, we ended up watching that. That movie was hilarious. There are just too many scenes that are way over the top.
The 'burbs.

I adore this film. Whenever I watch it, it takes me back to my childhood. Over the years it hasn't lost any of it's magic for me... which is something that's all too rare these days. It may be forgotten or hated by a lot of people but I still love it.

My favourite line from the movie is by Mark Rumsfield who is played by Bruce Dern - (after stepping in Walter's dog's poop) "Walter. I know you're in there. That scum-sucking, barking rat of yours has just taken his last dump on my lawn. I find one more- just one- and I'm gonna catch him and staple his ass shut!"
Last week, me and my friends watched 3 o'clock High. It was either going to be that or License to Drive (another classic). Since me and another guy never saw High before, we ended up watching that. That movie was hilarious. There are just too many scenes that are way over the top.

One of the best high school movies ever! I admit, Warren Peace from Sky High, was even described in the script as "he should look exactly like Buddy Revell from 3'oclock high with superpowers".
3 o clock was supposed to become a tv series - but the creator only agreed if it was for cable to keep the edge - they couldnt reach an agreement so the show "Parker Lewis Can't Loose" was born.

And now you know the rest of the story
Blame it on Rio - the first movie that gave me my first concious *****- Michele Johnston was just too much.

Deathtrap - i cried when Reeve kissed Cain - Returns would have probably put a noose around my 10yr old neck back then

Romancing the Stone and Jewel of Nile
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