Farscape help wanted....


Well-Known Member
I am going to take a swing at building a replica of the heavy pulse rifle used by Aeryn Soon in Farscape, specifically the two handed one used in Liars, Guns, and Money...

I really suck, however at image grabs, and was hoping I could get some help from the experts here at putting together some reference images. ANy help would be appreciated ...

I just finished screencapping the whole series. I'll upload to my photobucket and post you a link. :cool

Ok, here's shots of Aeryn's pulserifle:

The shots from Liars Guns and Money aren't good as most of the time it's being used the lights are out but fortunatly it was used many times in the show.

There were 6 variations of the pulserifle shown during the run of the series, all were modified versions of the base gun. The production sketches show it was designed around a Styr but they didn't use any actual gun for the base. Here are some shots of a base pulserifle with no attachments from an Ebay auction: http://s136.photobucket.com/albums/q185/jackdoud/Farscape/Basic%20Pulserifle/

If you want other shots of the base gun or any of the variations let me know.
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I love this pulse rifle, its one of my grail props, I can never seem to get my hands on one, cant wait to see progress pics of the heavy pulse your gonna build up!!!
the grail for me is to get the freakin' series on DVD at a reasonable cost.
I used to have loads of stuff on this, but its all on another drive. Did find this:


I used to own one of the licenced replicas of the standard pulse, pretty accurate apart from the scope mounts.

This is exactly the kind of stuff I was looking for. Thanks everyone ...

Great screengrabs! I wonder why they dident make the official prop with the right scope mount, I do however prosonally like the mount thats on the lightspeed version better
and if you havent yet, check out farscapepropsforum.com, i believe thats right, probably some good old threads there still.