Fallout New Vegas desert armor and helmet build


New Member
Hello everyone, this is my first real post on the RPF (appart from my introduction) and I'm bringing up my last project, this :


I'm planning to build the fallout new vegas armor and helmet from scratch and possibly an AER-9 laser rifle to accompany it. So far I've been searching for reference and found a couple of nice images




So if anyone have other reference pics for this helmet and armor, please post them here, it would be greatly appreciated.

I will keep you informed of the progress of this project.

i really like this design too, and have been considering to do it once the game comes out.

red el wire around the edges of the lens will the get that red glow perfectly.
Hi Tom
You should join this forum as well. It's a collective of fallout nuts :)

I'm making a vaultsuit there.

Thanks for the link. I'm planning a vault 13 suit and some original game weapons but also a laser rifle like Volpin's. I like this desert armor too as its different and has a feel more like the original games.
I am also making a desert armor suit. You probably only need the helmet and a duster. BTW could you post a download link for that pep?
Looks like it should be either a PASGAT or old M1 steel helmet. The vintage steel helmets can be found relatively cheap, but a plastic pseudo-PASGT can be found here.
I would say the M1 is probably the closest then, and the most logical. Considering these are all renderings and production art, not sure how accurate they got the design or if they took some artistic license. Also, the helmets look beaten and dented in the art, so the lip of the helmet above the face might be dented in if it looks like it's is shorter than the real M1 in some drawings.
There are companies that make motorcycle helmets (approved and non-approved versions) for cheap, and they have this WWII German shape to them. helmet

I've seen that style of lens used in both German and US gas masks. You also may want to look into motorcycle goggles.
knightone, i guess that the helmet isn't big problem, but prefer to make right proportions on my own sculpt models or pepakured paper-models. It's easy and merrily for a handmade game-design, but not a real life (if you aren't an WestTek-engineer ;) ).

monkeyracing, early aviator's googles -- very popular vintage style. :)
Shall be following this project with interest. I made a vault 101 jumpsuit and bodge job pip boy for the videogame costume record attempt at May Expo 2009. After having seen some of the pip boys on here im a little ashamed of it, though!

I wanted to make a set of Ranger armour for airsofting in, but a few crossed wires led to me buying plasticard instead of sintra (or its UK counterpart)

Hopefully I can glean a few tips from this build.

just seen recently how the thread advanced! thanks for the reference pics, will be very usefull!

...and I got to say, NeXXt you did an awesome job on that pepakura! I will surely give it a try

I don't have any major updates but i have to say that I've worked a bit on the helmet, I didn't started with a military helmet but modded a skate/bike helmet instead and I still have to work a bit on the front to get the shape as close as I can.

still no photos cause i am currently without any digital comera, but i will post some as I advance on the project
Hello everybody! Im new here and I need HELP! Does anyone know where I can find pep files for the fallout new vegas desert armor? Im looking for the helmet and the face mask.
I know almost all of you take great care in your sculptures, but I would just like to make a cardboard version for my son.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!