'fabric' Female Falconer (Wip)

I think the yarn dreads actually worked out really well but the hair is looking promising. I love the corset bit even if it was cheap, It added a lot to the outfit, Chest armor of some kind would really spruce this up...Maybe you could use Wonder woman costume armor as a base and modify it?
I think the yarn dreads actually worked out really well but the hair is looking promising. I love the corset bit even if it was cheap, It added a lot to the outfit, Chest armor of some kind would really spruce this up...Maybe you could use Wonder woman costume armor as a base and modify it?

The hair is really annoying me right now, lol, but I've tacked some of the dreads to the headband and they look pretty good so far. Need to transfer some of the bells from the yarn over to the hair to get the jingle back but yeah, I think the hair is going to be pretty sweet when it's done.

The corset IS her armour, by the way. It's always annoyed me that Predators never cover up their most vulnerable bits, as in, their stomach area (did P2's demise teach them nothing?), so I decided to give my girl full coverage. I'm going to stick some bits on it to make it look a bit more like armour but yeah, it's her protection. Plus I like the cover-up it gives me. And it supports my utterly buggered spine all day, so the corset is a pretty useful piece of kit.
Love it! Its great to see people making stuff out of different things (I recently used a couple of fabric conditioner bottles to make a pair of gauntlets.) The leggins look fab! Give yourself a pat on the back. Oh and I always thought preds don't cover up with too much armour as they're just saying how hard they are "Bring it on if you dare!" :D
My appologies, I was trying to say you could add bits to make it look more armor like not that you needed more sorry for the rather poor wording.

Sorry to hear the dread falls are becoming so agrivating though, they still looked awsome in prospect. I am really looking forward to seeing more of your progress shots.
Augh, i love your predator's design! Simple yet completely stylish.
I can't believe this baby would get any bad feedback. I:<

also i support that storm trooper pairing with ya, i very much approve!
I's been busy. Although this is only half done, the gigantic red spider of doom is now an almost recognisable hairpiece. It's a three layer one, three layers of dreads at staggered intervals across the band which will hopefully cover my own hair up. If not I'll just get another hair extension.

What I will do though is get some thin strips of brown leather and wrap them round a few of the dreads, just for a bit of a different and slightly more tribal look. Also need to add my bells. If anyone has any small bells like off a cat collar or a Lindt chocolate bunny, send them my way :)

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Finally finally finally FINALLY got done sewing them all on to the headband.

Now I just need to do a few more of the gold thread wrap (the slight sparkle it has doesn't show up on iphone camera, fail), stitch in the bells and go raiding the shops for some feathers. Hurrah. Only a tiny update but still, upgrades are happening!

Next in line is a new skirt and I'm going to start on adjusting my bio. Or make a totally new one. It depends which option causes me the least grief.

Yep, aiming for November. Should be ready - she's good to go as she is but I wanted to be a bit more fancy :p Us girls are never happy.
Ok, my new dreads are a little bit more poofly than the original set, and my old mask doesn't fit over the top of them, so I've started making a new one out of the packaging from an Amazon order and some cereal boxes, yet again.

Started on the crown yesterday as that's the real issue making sure it fits over the dreads. The actual face bit won't be too different in size from the other one. So here it is in its cardboardy glory. Further updates as events warrant.

Lady out ~

Decided to have a go at revamping my existing mask, so major surgery commenced.

Mad scientist mode, engage! Hacking her face up was far too much fun. Also after the surgery, it now fits over my new dreads. Hurrah!

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I have glue and a craft knife, nothing can stop me now :p

Thanks guys. I still need to patch up the other side, give the whole thing a coating of newspaper, masking tape and PVA (which should get done tomorrow), then it has to dry THEN we can have some photos with dreads. If this looks okay I might not bother finishing the other one till after the NEC, lol. Lazy, me? Hehe.
Herping around with my iPhone's stupid flippy camera thing whilst bored the other night resulted in the attached picture. I have to say that I really don't like that camera mode. Doesn't do good photos. Yeah, I know the mask is not painted up, but check me out with my snazzy new dreads. Holding dat mask in place cuz I've not attached the elastic to it to hold it on my face. Ta daa.

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