ESB studio x-wings

Anakin Starkiller

Master Member
Hey guys, i was wondering what info/references were out there for the x-wings used in ESB. In particular the ones used during the Hoth and Dagobah scenes. Did they just reuse the ANH red 5 or was there a new build. Are there any known differences between the ESB and ANH models, and does anyone have any info on the model used for the Dagobah sequences when Yoda lifts the ship out of the swamp? Thanks a lot for all your help guys. -best Dan Stokes
There was a theory that they submerged the ANH red5 hero for those scenes, while converting another with the landing gear for the shot from below. I don't think it is known for sure.

EDIT: It is possible no new Xs were made since they really only needed to film Luke's. IIRC the ANH red3 represented multiple birds.
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There is never a shot with a model in the water. The shots looking down at the ship in the water when they're trying to raise it are at full scale.
There is never a shot with a model in the water. The shots looking down at the ship in the water when they're trying to raise it are at full scale.

What about when yoda pulls it out of there? Isn't there a 'swamped' version seen with matte painting in a wide shot? If I'm remembering something I didn't see, then there is really no reason for the red5 minature to look that bad. What a shame.
What about when yoda pulls it out of there? Isn't there a 'swamped' version seen with matte painting in a wide shot? If I'm remembering something I didn't see, then there is really no reason for the red5 minature to look that bad. What a shame.

There is a shot of Red 5 just after it comes out of the swamp (flying away from camera) that is a model.
They reused ANH Red 3 with a Red 5 make-up. They cut the hull and the lower saturn V cans for the landing gears. You can notice on the actual Red 3 that it has now styrene plates to hide those holes maked in the hull and cans (rough job btw). I dont know if it's seen on the screen though.
Red 3's lower cans are only original at the front and rear, the ribbed strip areas. Everything in between was cut out for the landing gear. Rough as guts.

Red 5 survived the filming of Jedi, though repainted as Red 4 (presumably Red 5 was captured by the Empire at Bespin). The model appears in the famous photo of Lucas surrounded by models.

The people who know the story of what happened to Red 5 aren't talking about it publicly.
They reused ANH Red 3 with a Red 5 make-up. They cut the hull and the lower saturn V cans for the landing gears. You can notice on the actual Red 3 that it has now styrene plates to hide those holes maked in the hull and cans (rough job btw). I dont know if it's seen on the screen though.

Thanks a lot for the info everyone. I really appreciate it.

So, on the Red 3 with Red 5 makeup, did this entail a full repaint, or just changing certain red five markers such as wing stripes.

Anyone have any pics of Red 3 in disguise?:lol I'm thinking that I might style my v3 build after this version.

Thanks guys


They reused ANH Red 3 with a Red 5 make-up.

Red 3's lower cans are only original at the front and rear, the ribbed strip areas. Everything in between was cut out for the landing gear. Rough as guts.
Not to be argumentative,but wrong on both acounts! Here,you can see that Red 3 has NOT been repainted as Red 5,and the pieced together job although is not the greatest according to the usual RPF standards,but that it is still passable for filming. Not rough cut. They broke the top starboard wing sometime between filming,and this photo session - probably being mishandled in shipping this around,or while touring. Here,you can see the photos of it,as it is today:
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I took those shots, and let me tell you, Kuhn Global™©® is no "colleague" of mine. He did not have permission to post those pics.

I am glad they are out there because it benefits everyone (and I have seen some fantastic Red 3 reproductions), but it's a great example of how some people's word in this hobby holds absolutely no weight. Thank god he didn't get half of what I photgraphed!
I took those shots, and let me tell you, Kuhn Global™©® is no "colleague" of mine. He did not have permission to post those pics.

I am glad they are out there because it benefits everyone (and I have seen some fantastic Red 3 reproductions), but it's a great example of how some people's word in this hobby holds absolutely no weight. Thank god he didn't get half of what I photgraphed!

True that!!
I took those shots, and let me tell you, Kuhn Global™©® is no "colleague" of mine. He did not have permission to post those pics.

I am glad they are out there because it benefits everyone (and I have seen some fantastic Red 3 reproductions), but it's a great example of how some people's word in this hobby holds absolutely no weight. Thank god he didn't get half of what I photgraphed!
Please forgive me - I was not aware of this! Had I known that earlier, never would I have posted that link. Those photos are great quality by the way. I was under the impression that Kurt himself took those photos.
No worries at all. I am glad people can see them!

I was under the impression that Kurt himself took those photos.

That is EXACTLY what he and his entire website wants you to think! He has pilfered HUNDREDS of photos from many talented artisans/reference holders by gaining their trust and then betraying them. He does have a few very talented builders who make top quality items for his collection, but a whole heck of a lot of "his" website's content is NOT his, and he has simply slapped an (in my opinion) ugly logo onto it in a strange attempt to call it his.
No worries at all. I am glad people can see them!

That is EXACTLY what he and his entire website wants you to think! He has pilfered HUNDREDS of photos from many talented artisans/reference holders by gaining their trust and then betraying them. He does have a few very talented builders who make top quality items for his collection, but a whole heck of a lot of "his" website's content is NOT his, and he has simply slapped an (in my opinion) ugly logo onto it in a strange attempt to call it his.
I understand. Do you want me to remove the link in that post?
I took those shots, and let me tell you, Kuhn Global™©® is no "colleague" of mine. He did not have permission to post those pics.

I am glad they are out there because it benefits everyone (and I have seen some fantastic Red 3 reproductions), but it's a great example of how some people's word in this hobby holds absolutely no weight. Thank god he didn't get half of what I photgraphed!

You are too funny Jason. :lol:lol:lol

Ahhh.. I guess it has been a few months since real drama has hit... and you, and yours love it so to make drama of me.... very well... :) Whatever makes you happy. ;)

You gave me those RED 3 photos (and many others you did for MR in the archives) AND gave me permission to post them so that they WOULD come out.... you have proven to me again that your hatred of my telling the truth (thus crushing your secret society BS), and your accusations have no boundaries. For you... the world exists around yourself and those who follow you. That is too bad... because I had great plans for the lot of you to participate in. I know, I know... you would NEVER do that now... blah blah blah... One thing you and your people still have is talent... so why not stop this BS and go use it for the glory of this hobby and art form. We are supposed to be having FUN in this, but you keep dewlling on the same stuf over and over again. I don't get it.

You say I placed my logo on them, and claim credit for them? I never placed my logo on them.... nor do I claim credit for them......and originally gave you credit, however... in your past ramblings of me... you stated you didn't want to be associated with me any longer.... I simply made your wish come true.... I ALWAYS GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE! Unless YOU tell me otherwise. Of course I expect you and yours to go back, disect and twist nearly everything I say to suit your needs.... no matter... and no worries...whatever makes you feel better.

Jason.. enjoy your life... because all the drama you place in it just isn't worth it. I say this to you as a Human Being.... not as a friend or enemy.

Regardless of all you attempt to push or say about me.... nothing of it is true and means nothing to me any longer. Plans continue, great artists are being promoted, and we are producing models... great ones ... and yes... your content that you provided freely of your own will is helping everyone. Thank you for what you DID share.

No worries at all. I am glad people can see them!

That is EXACTLY what he and his entire website wants you to think! He has pilfered HUNDREDS of photos from many talented artisans/reference holders by gaining their trust and then betraying them. He does have a few very talented builders who make top quality items for his collection, but a whole heck of a lot of "his" website's content is NOT his, and he has simply slapped an (in my opinion) ugly logo onto it in a strange attempt to call it his.

On that note..since you STATE you are happy that they are out for everyone... then why not release all you have taken for MR (in the archives) for the open creativity you claim to love? I think the mear fact that you keep things back (due to whatever you claim reason for) paints a different story of you since everyone knows you disperse nearly everything you get for personal gain...even if you had an NDA regarding it. Though the RED 3 photos of MR's were not the case, since you freely gave them to me to show, (albeit not until after MR ceased it's Lucasfilm licensing..which I waited for to show them publically), these are still known facts of what you do. Then point the finger at everyone else for your own BS.

Most of these builders and people are more intelligent than you and your "people" give them credit for.

You know? I have, and will always wish you well, but know you will never actually do so....because you enjoy living the drama. That is something I very much hope you may grow beyond someday.

As I have started already... I will stay in my part of this world... and you stay in yours.... everything has been stated about three times over with you, and your groups rants of me. I have even offered my hand in peace FOR YOU, which you again turned into a rant session of lies. Lets just agree to not participate in one anothers worlds from now on. Whatever stress you get from this is your own doing. And like I stated... I hope one day you may grow past that.

I therefore state to you now and forever (as a last farewell)....Be Well. :) And good luck in your future endeavors.
Not to be argumentative,but wrong on both acounts! Here,you can see that Red 3 has NOT been repainted as Red 5,and the pieced together job although is not the greatest according to the usual RPF standards,but that it is still passable for filming. Not rough cut. They broke the top starboard wing sometime between filming,and this photo session - probably being mishandled in shipping this around,or while touring. Here,you can see the photos of it,as it is today:

Sorry, but we're not wrong, I know those pics of Red 3 for a long time now, yeah there are rough cuts. Just compare those pics to pics of Red 3 took for ANH and you'll see what I mean.
I NEVER said Red 3 was repainted as Red 5, when I said Red 3 was maked up as Red 5 I meant Red 3 was filmed AS Red 5. The make up was grass, not paint.

Pics of Red 3 with landing gears can be seen in the Chronicles book. Yeah, that's Red 3, THE Red 3 model built for ANH (if you know well the differences between all the X-Wing you'll see there is no doubt about that).

Those cutouts for the landing gear bay were at some point covered with styrene sheets to get be close of the original look, probably to use it in space sequences.
Piss of Kurt your a total blow hard...... you always talk about the "GROUP":lol:thumbsup

Oh wait the same group you were part of right?The same group you stabbed in the back many times.You didn't want jason back as a friend for no reason, your a business man you do everything for a reason!:love

You had great plans for us ha thats funny!!:lol The first plan, was it to get Jason back so the rest would follow? You do whatever you want to pump your insane ego to the max.You talked about honor for your first year with "THAT GROUP" and in the end you sold out!!

Do you remember coming back booohooing about the reference you lent out,
while part of that group,and putting your head on the chopping block saying I understand if you guys ban me I have disgraced my honor. Your a joke dude!!

What is this Stay in your world I will stay in mine crap? You divide stuff way to much Kurt, but thats because of your own actions!

Please don't talk about giving credit where it is due all the time,
because my A-wing is sitting over on your site and my name is not on it, I never told you to take my name off of it. What happened you got pissed at me ha? You also say that "You" had it built very funny, you never came to me asking for me to build it for you! I was already building it.....your great man you never quit!!:lol
Model Replica
By kuhnglobal • January 11, 2009

I had this piece scratch built! With every detail as it was on the original! A truly amazing piece replicated from the original used in Star Wars – Return of the Jedi!
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