ESB DH-17 from PIH #30 Live Fire Version


Sr Member
Made from a Mark III as shown in photo. Folding stock removed, but bolt, charging handle & return spring visible.

Interesting to note:
wire running from under aluminum barrel jacket to bottom of scope mount rod​
wrap-around aluminum barrel shroud allowing cooling of barrel​
1 or 2 round clip (much shorter than E-11)​





Hey Mike, I think that this version is pretty awesome, and I have been gathering parts to replicate it. If anyone ever does a small run of aluminum barrel tips, I am so in. I wouldn't even mind doing the CAD work for free if someone could machine it. -best Dan
Let me guess, another questionable piece from Joiner?

Doesn't match anything seen on screen. Looks like mixture of pieces that have vague similarities to ANH, ESB and ROTJ.

Description says ANH.
Piston halves on the side say ESB.
Scope rings and rail say ROTJ.

I have to disagree with the description that the Rebel Blasters were "identical in design, but unique in construction).
Every ANH and ESB Rebel Blaster I've seen has the exact same muzzle on it. They were likely all cast from the same gun.

There is no possible way that thing is ANH.

I'm sure if you ask Joiner it's "rebuilt from original parts".

Might be a Bapty built ROTJ piece, but the back story is total BS.
This is the first time I heard that Joiner was involved.:confused

I was under the impression that this was an ESB piece, used in the Hoth sequence.

My question is, if this piece was a new fabrication. Why would someone build it to look nothing like the more common DH-17s we all know.

And BTW- I don't think that the scope rings match anything seen in ROTJ

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Check the Visual Dictionary. Lando's holding an ESB with the V8 crankshaft, and the missle half, and a Jedi version is shown very clearly, with spring, and pison halves. Not to mention, like stated above, the scope rings/rack
This thing looks close . . but no close enough.
Hmmmm . . . watching this thread with interest
I've just heard that all the detail pieces are repros. Only the muzzle and base gun are original.
It's also NOT from a Lucasfilm employee in the late 70's.

Joiner's involvement was only a guess after the other stuff of his that has shown up in previous PIH auctions. It seems he is not involved in this one.

The scope rings are closer to ROTJ than anything else. Since they're not original obviously the rebuilder referenced ROTJ photos to machine a rail and pick scope rings.

No live firearms were used on location in Norway so I have no idea why a live firearm would have been built. Maybe it was, but never used. It could be an oddball live firearm made by Bapty for ROTJ (like the unusual long barreled Han blaster from the deleted bunker scenes).
I know its been tried before but isn't any way to get Profiles in History to correct the description on that item?

Whoever buys it based on that description can easily sue them for misrepresenting the item.

The fact stated it comes from an LFL employee in the late 70's is a bald-faced lie. Plain and simple.