Ertl K'Tinga build up


Sr Member
I started on this unlit desktop display for Kuhn Global this afternoon, right now it's puttied, sanded and primered. Tomorrow I'll start on the paint job, it'll be the TMP scheme. If I don't have it finished by this weekend I agreed to shave my head. :D





OH. That just gave me another idea. One that could be used on similar models and give me a jump start on another project elsewhere.

...And let me join in with other modelers, ohhhh, ahhhh...primered plastic.

Shouldn't this be in the Studio Scale section?

Oh, man... I love you so much... Well, not YOU, your skills...
Erm... Oh, well, you know what I mean :D
NICELY DONE Richard. Talent doesn't seem to be an issue with you. ;)

Interesting pic from Thomas. LOL... Studio Scale indeed. LOL.

Has Thomas's K'Tinga decals arrived for this desktop bird yet?
He JUST ordered them. Give the poor mail service a chance. Aside from saturday, today is the first regular day of mail delivery since ordering.

So, did you get them?
Thanks. It's right out of the box with no mods. The colors were olive drab mixed with white and silver for the base coat. The darker panels were that same mixture with a little black added. The goldish colored panels were the lighter base coat with a little gold mixed in. All the dark weathering was the dark panel color with more black added.