Enterprise Medical Props


I have been searching for any info on how the Enterprise Medical props work, or how the builders made them. Specifically Phlox's Hypospray and the small Medical scanner with the blue LEDs. I have studied various episodes of scenes with the hypo in use. It seems that there is a mechanism that forces a small section of acrylic rod that is colored back up into the chamber of the hypo when the side button is pressed. You can see it in the "Cogenitor" episode season 2 or you can see Phlox loading the hypo in the "Shockwave part II " episode. The small Medical scanner with Blue LEDs seems to have a buzzing sound with the Blue lights. My thought is that it could possibly be one of those small hair trimmer's the size of a pen that was canabilized ane the small motor installed ???
Any one who has any ideas or may have come across someone that imparted some info on how these props worked , I need your help, I would like to make a set of these very cool medical props for myself and hopefully will encourage others to do the same.
Hopefully this thread may catch the eye of one of the people who purchased these items at the auctions and can shead some light on these props.

Thanks, Rich
The Phlox medical scanner is on my workbench, but at the back for the moment, I have a couple of other projects that need attention first.
I will get around to finishing this with lights, and if possible sound.

The ENT hypos are available as kits, I'm sure someone here can chime in with details on where to get one, I managed to pick one up from a member of another prop board.
Thanks for sharing photos of your Medical Scanner project ! I wish more people would participate in bringing any info forward. I would love to know who has Enterprise Hypo kits available . If anyone does please PM me .Very cool what you have done hear. Would love to see more as it progresses. If you need any reference please e-mail me. Any ideas on paint colors? What they might of used on this scanner?
I didn't forget about you K. As I said, my Ent. "medkit" is buried after a recent move, but as soon as I pull it out I will show you what I did!
Well I still haven't had a chance to contribute. My Enterprise Medical kit is about 10 feet under boxes. UGH.