I've done lots of work modifying the plastic toy and am now looking for a suitable USB programmable LED driver.
I think 64 LEDs would be a nice number (16 for the inner C, 4 for the projectors and 44 for the blade) and (only if possible) with a variable voltage for a glowing effect. And it would need to be pretty small, probably about 3cm x 5cm.
I know nothing about electronics so can the experts tell me, does such a thing exit?
I think 64 LEDs would be a nice number (16 for the inner C, 4 for the projectors and 44 for the blade) and (only if possible) with a variable voltage for a glowing effect. And it would need to be pretty small, probably about 3cm x 5cm.
I know nothing about electronics so can the experts tell me, does such a thing exit?