Electric Vektor CP-1 replica (CHEAP!)


Master Member
Well, for anyone looking for a good, cheap base gun for a 5th element Korbin Dalls build up, or anyone looking for a Battlestar Galactica pistol to go with thier costume, this is a really solid gun for the money. I was happily suprised.




I swear though, it's painted with Krylon BBQ paint!! :)

I got this from ebay for about $12 from a seller that that has thier own website.


If you go to ebay, just look up the guns model number and most of the auctions for it start at 99 cents.

Just thought I'd share with this incase anyone is looking to arm themselves for a BSG costume but can't find or afford a decent FN-five replica.
SO, I was about to toss the box this Vektor came in when I spied something interesting.


So there is an accurate airsoft version of the FN!!

I'm going to do some checking, but if they can import this pistol, and the companies crappy looking revolvers (the company is Jia Li Sheng from China) somebody has to be able to import that FN replica!!

Maybe me.:lol

OK, found a couple of decent pics on a .de website - which country is this?



Maybe it's not as accurate as I thought. Here is the page link:

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The Five Seven looks close enough for me.

Also, the Vektor can be used for anyone who wants a cheap Firefly prop as Simon Tam used one in the pilot episode.
Cool, I'm very interested!!!

Thanks for posting, and I'd be interested in learning about any potential launchers too.
Hello guys, I know this thread has been inactive for a long time but I am in desperate need of this vektor airsoft pistol. A friend and I make low budget movies and I believe the Vektor cp1 would be a brilliant addition to our next project. If you happen to know of a place that still has it on sell would you be so as to post it. I greatly appreciate your time and thank you for your help.
Hello guys, I know this thread has been inactive for a long time but I am in desperate need of this vektor airsoft pistol. A friend and I make low budget movies and I believe the Vektor cp1 would be a brilliant addition to our next project. If you happen to know of a place that still has it on sell would you be so as to post it. I greatly appreciate your time and thank you for your help.

I'm a big fan of Fifth Element so I was curious too and looked up an airsoft of the CP-1. Found it here:

Electric James Bond FPS-150 Pistol Airsoft Gun
Well, for anyone looking for a good, cheap base gun for a 5th element Korbin Dalls build up, or anyone looking for a Battlestar Galactica pistol to go with thier costume, this is a really solid gun for the money. I was happily suprised.




I swear though, it's painted with Krylon BBQ paint!! :)

I got this from ebay for about $12 from a seller that that has thier own website.


If you go to ebay, just look up the guns model number and most of the auctions for it start at 99 cents.

Just thought I'd share with this incase anyone is looking to arm themselves for a BSG costume but can't find or afford a decent FN-five replica.

Excuse me Noeland, I know this is bringing up the past but what did you use to remove the orange paint? I just ordered two of them and was considering removing the paint to give it a more authentic look. I'm assuming that the orange plastic tip is not removable because it is part of the barrel. Thanks! :D
Oh ok, the one without all the extra crap on it is still out of stock. $30 after shipping is pretty high considering. How's the gun? Any metal in it?
The shipping is $10. The one without the extra stuff is only $9, but it's sold out.