Eccleston Sonic Screwdriver progress


Well-Known Member
HI all,
Thought i would put up to progress pics of my new sonic- tis easier with having a lathe at home now!



Things to still do-
repaint it- may have to do the slot in the side for the button first
Finish the emitter
file the locking 'teeth' in
sort the end blue 'jewel' out
refix it all together
glue the bits together
-TRY- and fit in the sound, light and batteries!
suggestions on any of these welcomed
crital's 2
(the bottom is nt quite correct, but is gunna be best way to fit the sound)
am gunna get this one to work and do a complete set of parts for a second one in the next week at some point
Lovely. It looks very good. I like what you have done so far. I can't wait to see it finished.

I just have one question.

When can I have one? :cry

I want one so much.

Here is mine. Are you using the toy for some of your pieces? I still am having trouble with the bottom knob. I may have to do a little reshaping, but I ran out of epoxy. I still need to get a piece of acrylic though. I had picked up the last piece in town, but screwed it up royally. I think I need 3/8 in diameter too instead of the 1/2 in diameter. I am really afraid to cut the slit in the side of it as well.

I like how your top section is turning out. I had to make mine out 8 tiny pieces. The dumbell look is do to the epoxy holding it in place. With the Screwdriver above, and the one I sold recently, the epoxy held very well.

What kind of paint did you use? I have been mixing a dark brown with antique white for the top color, but use a base black and ceramic crackle for the shattered effect.

Again, this piece is not easy and time consuming. Everyone I have seen looked great. Except mine, they never turn out right.

Hi, l love how yours is turning out!
My first one was a carbon copy of the toy, and i eventually discovered that the toy was almost totally wrong for dimensions, So the only things that i kept were the sound module, black endcap and the emitter jewel.

The screwdriver i am finishng at the momment is the eccleston one and uses the production art picture witt the dimensions. I did a scaled pintout of it and have been using it as a reference. I did try to make an endcap, but the delrin plastic did ot take to it well, so i am innacurately using the larger endacp on this one, just so that i can finish it!

The acrylic rod i bout a 12mm diameter for the eccleston one.

For tennants , it has the same diameter as the toy, but i have seen the production pictures of the latest model. the slider has 13mm coming out of the end, (the neck bit that you can see) and has 15mm insdide so all of the batteries can fit in. The shape of the scrediver shows this, since it stays quite wide and fat to allow the slider to go almost into the end section as well as a different slider.

I should be working on that one soon.
Again, i just happen to like the eccleston one more since it feels like the 'tool' the screwdriver is meant to be, tennants feels like a torch since almost all of the detail is gone and it looks quite big, BUT NOT the same as the toy!
I dont know how this rumour that the are using the toy as the prop gt round but thy are clearly not, too many details that would tell you, morso they used it as a referance to make the newer style sonics, but in metal.
long post!
If you want to know anything else, just ask!
I agree. I have always liked the size of Eccleston's better than Tennant's. I think the size looks better. It is kind of like the difference between the CO toy sonic and the Wesco torch. I like the size of the torch a little better. I know it is too small, but to me has a better feel.
Personally, I really can't wait for a real feeling metal, light up and sound sonic screwdriver. I think you guys will agree that the CO toy version feels like a toy and not like a real tool. I just wish I had the skill to make an accurate one myself. I make some hardware store versions, but that is not what I really want. I guess for now I will have to wait till someone makes an accurate metal one that I can buy from them.
I dont know how this rumour that the are using the toy as the prop gt round but thy are clearly not, too many details that would tell you, morso they used it as a referance to make the newer style sonics, but in metal.
I no longer remember where I first heard that story about the toy being used for Tennant's, I first heard it a couple years ago. As I remember it, it was said that the props made for Series/Season 1, for Eccleston to use, were quite fragile, and kept getting damaged or destroyed quite easily. When Character Options released the first batch of the toys, the show's producers and/or Props Dept. were said to have seen the toy, found it to be sturdier due to it being larger than the original prop, and then supposedly got the molds for the toy from CO, and used those molds to produce the props from Series/Season 2 onward. That's the story as I understand it, at any rate. Don't know if it's ever been properly confirmed, though.

But hey, at least it's not a Biro with a toothpaste tube cap glued onto it, like the one Doctor # 3 apparently used at one point! :lol
Actually what hapened, as far as I know is that the orginal prototype of the Sonic Screwdriver toy was dead on to size from Eccelsons, which was no where the size of the Tesco LED Torch.

There were a few Prototypes made, but it would not house the light and sound properly so they had to make the toy bigger, however the BBC got the molds and one of teh prototypes and based Tennants on THAT one. Its the exact same size as Eccelsons, though Tennant, by the end of Series Two had a Sonic with a larger head. The BBc liked the construction yes, but not due to the size ;)

There are several Sonics on Set, and I have heard from some sources that he even at times uses the Eccelson Screwdriver, non slider version, from time to time.
Makes sense really, at the mo i am having to put the batteries in the slider and have 2 thin wires going to the sound module i am fitting in the base. You can tell it is a slightly larger diameter since the slider has a larger diameter tht you dont see and narrows to the diameter that you see extend. Besides, as long as i can get the thing to work et i dont reli mind. i just hated how innacurate and BIG the toy is in comparison!
Well its been finished for a while so i thought I shud post some pics. Obv we are getting the replica soon which will be fun to see!
currently doing some refining work to it before i make a start on the new one! namely the emitter area, slder etc.

Any thoughts?







Looks GREAT! I think my biggest problem with it is the width of the posts, otherwise it looks excellent!

Were you able to get it to have sound?

Any pictures of it lit up?
I have to admit that this is the best copy of the sonic I have ever seen. I love it.
I can't wait to see how the official replica compares. It will have to go a long way to look like this.
You have done wonderfully.
Well, since you're going to make another one anyway, if you would like to donate that one to our fan film and receive some screen credits...
Here is mine, it's the wide slider version
It isn't finished and works on 3v


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