Ebony & Ivory - PotC compass build-up

i've been a huge fan of this prop ever since the first movie came out. I've got the MR and modified 3 or 4 of the toys. Built a wooden kit offered by someone online -- nice, but oversized and had lousy resin detail parts for insides.

I've seen a few very nice scratch builds.

But I can say that your recreation is, without a doubt, one of the nicest replicas I've seen -- as far as fit an finish. You obviously do not plan to weather it or chip up the inlays as seen on the screen used props, so while yours is not 100% screen accurate, it is still the nicest version of the prop I've seen.

And should you ever decide to weather it to match screen used prop, I imagine that could easily be done.

VERY nice job. I imagine within the next post or three it will be DONE.

Can't wait to see the final series of pics.
You obviously do not plan to weather it or chip up the inlays as seen on the screen used props, so while yours is not 100% screen accurate, it is still the nicest version of the prop I've seen.

And should you ever decide to weather it to match screen used prop, I imagine that could easily be done.

Thank you very very much for your compliments about my work.

Well, without having access to the real deal or to the dimensions of it - my compass won`t be 100% SA even when I chip up the inlays I'm afraid - most things are still eye-balled.

I will build another one when I have detailed info about the hero in the future. There's enough ebony left :lol

So no inlay chipping - but I will weather the compass to let it look a bit older.
Good to see you over at Keep to the Code! There's actually a whole study over there on the dimensions of this compass. Many of us pulled together and smashed our heads against walls through brainstorming and trial and error on how to put these together. The search function is a huge PAIN but you can find it eventually.
Good to see you over at Keep to the Code! There's actually a whole study over there on the dimensions of this compass. Many of us pulled together and smashed our heads against walls through brainstorming and trial and error on how to put these together. The search function is a huge PAIN but you can find it eventually.

Yepp - I have read that thread - it helped me to decide about the body size :)

now just some fine tuning and weathering :love




Very well done! This has been an epic thread for me. I admire that thing so much. Really inspires me to make another one. I really need to find that ivory stuff! (And pick up one of those rotating dremmel stands!) I may find myself at the hardware store very soon...
Ill trade you my first born for this compass.

Couple questions, do you do this as a hobby, how did you find the resources to make it and on your lathe or drill press how did you get such perfect shapes when drilling it out.

Awesome work.
making of a brass scale.

First I made the scale with windows "paint" - saved as bmp with very high resolution. Inverted black to white and mirrored it.

Printing on a sheet of matt 130g/m paper from Tetenal with high contrast in the size I need for my compass.

Note that you can only use laser or Xerox printer - no inkjet possible.


get a brass plate and clean the surface with acetone (or girls nail enamel remover) - don`t touch it after cleaning !

put the printed scale onto the brass plate and press an iron on (highest temperature) for a couple of minutes. The toner is sticking on the plate.

Let it cool down and drop the plate into a bowl of cold water to remove the paper gently of the plate with your fingers until you can see shiny brass


use the kitchen sink and fill it with boiled water - put a glas vessel into the sink with Natriumperlsulfat until the chemestry has ca. 45-50°C.

tape the areas which you don`t wanna etch with Tesafilm or anything else


hold the plate into the vessel and blow in some air with a drinking straw - do NOT suck ! Check the result each minute til you are happy with it.



rinse the plate with cold water and remove the remaining toner with Aceton - et voila : a nice detailed homebrew compass scale :


Brass etching in a kitchen sink?! This is absolutely ingenious. ******, I love this place.
Awesome youtube video! I think most would agree that your build is THE quintessential Sparrow compass. I have found this thread to be very helpful and hope to someday finish the compass project that I started a few months ago.

I hope the video gets your project a lot more of the attention that it deserves.
Help !

I'm just making a mess of this !

The Paper wont come off the brass without taking out chunks of the toner. What on earth am I doing wrong ?


making of a brass scale.

First I made the scale with windows "paint" - saved as bmp with very high resolution. Inverted black to white and mirrored it.

Printing on a sheet of matt 130g/m paper from Tetenal with high contrast in the size I need for my compass.

Note that you can only use laser or Xerox printer - no inkjet possible.


get a brass plate and clean the surface with acetone (or girls nail enamel remover) - don`t touch it after cleaning !

put the printed scale onto the brass plate and press an iron on (highest temperature) for a couple of minutes. The toner is sticking on the plate.

Let it cool down and drop the plate into a bowl of cold water to remove the paper gently of the plate with your fingers until you can see shiny brass


use the kitchen sink and fill it with boiled water - put a glas vessel into the sink with Natriumperlsulfat until the chemestry has ca. 45-50°C.

tape the areas which you don`t wanna etch with Tesafilm or anything else


hold the plate into the vessel and blow in some air with a drinking straw - do NOT suck ! Check the result each minute til you are happy with it.



rinse the plate with cold water and remove the remaining toner with Aceton - et voila : a nice detailed homebrew compass scale :

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