OK, appreciate your comments guys, but I am obliged to defend myself here.
I have been a member of this forum for quite a long time. During that time you have seen various projects I have undertaken that illustrate that I have talent, the last of which was my T2 chest sculpt.
Predator 2 helmet:
I told you years ago that the Predator 2 pattern I have was not directly from your helmet Keith - my position on that has not changed. I cannot control other peoples actions. I did not make copies of your helmet, I acquired the mould from a 3rd party. Whether you say there are 'tells' or not - it's irrelevent. I know I DID NOT make a mould of it. End of story
Predator 1 and Celtic helmets:
These come in to me cheap from Asia. I finish them up and sell them. Other than that, there is no great story, no cloak and dagger routine.
Arnold busts:
I have arrangements with various individuals about these Arnold patterns. I am not at liberty to publish those here, as they are of a personal nature and would compromise their positions in the industry.
Supposed TE helmet:
Oh give me a break! TE thinks everyone has copied his gear. Anyone can see the pattern I have is not from a TE helmet. As I told Troopermaster in a PM, this pattern is from an entirely different source and with FULL permission from the owner. The addition of the TE initial in the auction was a search selling tactic.
T2 chest:
My own sculpt - you saw the progress thread.
Spartan helmet:
Obviously not from SgtFang. Anyone can see that. After seeing the MLC thread about his Spartan helmet, I made my own. I have full work in progress photos to back this up.
Upcoming ROTJ helmet:
From a friend in Toronto, copied from his background helmet and modified.
C3PO head:
Not from a Zorg head at all. You can ask him yourself, I had a 2-1B head from him a while back, but never a 3PO head. I purchased the pattern from a Battlestar obsessed forum member based in Florida. It was in a right state of affairs. I took it and cleaned it up, made it my own.
To summarise, I am not a talentless recaster. I am a designer by trade and an artist, but you need to make your own mind up and decide. My membership on the RPF is important to me, but I do not seek your approval guys. I make the decisions about the path I take.
People need to understand that they can not be privy to EVERY 'arrangement' that comes between people. For instance, I have just acquired a mould for an Alien head from a fellow UK prop maker. Looks a pretty professional mould job. Now, the background on this piece I don't know entirely - could have come from anywhere. Does that mean I can't make items from it? No it does not.
Bottom line:
Do I recast other peoples items : NO
Do I make deals with people that allow me to make items from their mould patterns : YES
That is my last word and I probably won't be checking back straight away. Keith, I understand why you started this thread, but you are targeting the wrong individual in what is a mirky grey area.
Not all things are clean cut. If you have a problem with my items, then don't buy them.