Dying PVC / Vinyl fabric??


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I'm ordering the materials for a costume I'd like to make and have run across a problem. One part of the suit needs to be made from PVC vinyl fabric for the texture, but that doesnt come in brown. White is the best I can do. The research I'm seeing on the net is conflicting. Some say it can be dyed others say it cant. I'm wondering if it will perhaps need spray painting with a plastic paint, but I dont know how durable that will be.

Anyone ever attempt something like this?
Well I know there is a special spray paint tunerheads use to paint their dashes that the plastic absorbs. Never tried it but I bet that'd be your best bet.
Have you tried custom upholstry fabric suppliers? I've seen vinyl in brown as my Father used to do car uphostry with it. I'm not so sure about the spray painting would last too long either but it'd be better than nothing I guess.
You should try to get untreated vinyl to make it.
Those with gloss are already treated and it may brittle the colour. Crackling if bended. Your saying this is fabric? Does it streach as well?

Not an easy task, i whould belive it whould be better to search up a similar colour of what your after.
Definitely try to find a vinyl close to the color you need. I've never used any specialty paints on vinyl but I can tell you that regular spray paint will stay tacky for a couple of weeks and will eventually start to crack.