Dune 2021/24 Fremkit Build

Ender Fry

New Member
I am currently working on my Stillsuit, but due to being on oxygen 24/7, I am very interested in making the actual Fremkit backpack to hold my O2 tank. I have found images of the Fremkit and its contents, but no actual pattern or anything concerning the construction of the bacpack. I have pruchased a few items to start one, was just hoping to find a good base pack to start with, but no luck so far.

This is what I have so far:
For a base, basically just the backing:

For the straps:

For molding the sides and tops:

Fabric parts:

Any suggestions are much appreciated.
Based off of McFarlanes Stilgar figure, Javier Bardem is believed to be ~71"/180cm in height. So I estimated the triangular part of the bag to be 13" at its widest, 7" at its narrowest and 14" high. The bottom cylinder is approximately 12" wide and 5.5" high. This may not be the most reliable of measuring techniques, but it will get me in the right vicinity of what needs to be done. I still need to do the depth, sorry.


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For what it is worth, I did a similar set of calculations from an image of Lady Jessica standing beside her femkit. The actress, Rebecca Ferguson, is reported to be 5'5” tall. My calculations gave me a femkit height of 13”, and the bottom cylinder at 5.5”. Since Rebecca is much shorter than Javier (165 cm vs. 171 cm) I do not know if they might have crafted a smaller version for fit or appearance. This photo was a side view which shows the depth of the femkit backpack is approximately equal to the diameter of the cylinder. Hope this is of some value.
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For what it is worth, I did a similar set of calculations from an image of Lady Jessica standing beside her femkit. The actress, Rebecca Ferguson, is reported to be 5'5” tall. My calculations gave me a femkit height of 13”, and the bottom cylinder at 5.5”. Since Rebecca is much shorter than Javier (165 cm vs. 171 cm) I do not know if they might have crafted a smaller version for fit or appearance. This photo was a side view which shows the depth of the femkit backpack is approximately equal to the diameter of the cylinder. Hope this is of some value.
Thanks, i should probably use a photo comparison to be more accurate. The figure was just so clean lol. Although my tank is 14", so it will have to be adjusted for it anyways.
I have not finished my calculations of the photo from the book "The Art and Soul of Dune", but the width of the femkit at it widest seems to equal the height of the main backpack at it tallest.
I'd love to know what is in the wrapping at the top.... Seems useless as for as the story goes, but is obviously being used to hide something on the bag...
I do not have any actual insight into what the wrap at the top of the femkit really is. However, when I work on project like this I try to extrapolate what I do know to what I do not. Then at least I can justify my own design decisions. The femkit is a survival kit. With any kit the most critical items should be readily available on the outside and perhaps be detachable so the larger kit could be abandoned if necessary (while running from a sandworm) and still have some chance to survive with what I have left. In the desert environment, I would make this item a filled waterskin. I have two supporting ideas for this choice. First, the item is less“structured” than the rest of the kit. Second, there is a photo of the femkit on display in a glass case. In this image there is a part of the wrap which juts out - like a capped spout. This “cap”also looks like it has a D-ring attachment point and a leather or beaded tie running out of sight to perhaps an anchor point. This is exactly the kind of retainer you see on the stopper for a waterskin or the cap of a canteen. I do not remember seeing any examples of fremen water containers but I would expect that would be an important item as the stillsuit does not operate forever without adding water. Having a water supply as a part of my convention outfit is just a side benefit.
I broke down and opened my McFarlane Stilgar figure. Here are a few photos at different angles. I also pre-ordered the Inart Paul figure that looks like it will be more detailed. Hopefully. I know the figures are no comparison to images of the real thing, but it seems some angles are just not available.


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I took a first cut at the design of the endcaps of the Fremkit storage cylinder. Calculations give the diameter at approximately 5.5 inches. Based on images from Dune Part I, the endcap has both a tapered and indented concentric surfaces. I have provided the radius and estimated depth of each ring which makes up my design. The depths could be radically off as my estimates were based somewhat on the shadows in some photos and what just seem “right” to me. As always, I am very interested in any and all corrections, comments, or criticisms.

I also am making a design decision of making the “clips” on each end as separate parts instead of incorporating them into the endcap. I envision these as a type of “quick release”retainer clip. These endcaps could be 3D printed, however since I have access to a lathe I will probably turn a (undersized) blank I can use as a mold to form either a leather or thin metal cap.

Currently the design just illustrates a flat base as I have not finalized how I will attach the endcaps to the cylinder. My plan is to make the cylinder from some thick sole-weight (5 mm) leather just because I have some on hand. For those who might be looking for a “quick”, non-functional build, 5” PVC plumbing pipe has an outside diameter of 5.563” (inside diameter 5.016”). I will use this pipe to mold the leather cylinder.


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For the Femkit Prism design I have fewer images, more questions, and more assumptions. The prism does not appear in any of the Dune Part I images I have access to. The observations I have is that it is smaller than the kit's cylinder and sits behind it on the kit.

To allow others to recreate, or perhaps more appropriately redefine or refine my assumptions, I am providing my approach to the problem. Since I knew the prism was smaller I decided to inscribe the rounded equilateral triangle inside a bounding 5.5” triangle (the cylinder's diameter). I first constructed the triangle, and drew construction lines from each vertex to the opposite side's midpoint. The intersections provided the “center” of the triangle. I chose a radius of .5 inch for the roundover and placed it as high in the peak vertex as possible, with the circle's circumference tangent to both sides of the triangle. I then scribed the outer circle with it's center coincident with the center of the triangle and the radius equal to the distance between the triangle center and the center of the top roundover. The center of the other two roundover is where the outer circle intersects the construction lines.

I have not completed the additional prism details for the sides or ends until I get some agreement or confirmation that my initial sizing seems reasonable. Thank you for any comments or suggestions.


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I took a first cut at the design of the endcaps of the Fremkit storage cylinder. Calculations give the diameter at approximately 5.5 inches. Based on images from Dune Part I, the endcap has both a tapered and indented concentric surfaces. I have provided the radius and estimated depth of each ring which makes up my design. The depths could be radically off as my estimates were based somewhat on the shadows in some photos and what just seem “right” to me. As always, I am very interested in any and all corrections, comments, or criticisms.

I also am making a design decision of making the “clips” on each end as separate parts instead of incorporating them into the endcap. I envision these as a type of “quick release”retainer clip. These endcaps could be 3D printed, however since I have access to a lathe I will probably turn a (undersized) blank I can use as a mold to form either a leather or thin metal cap.

Currently the design just illustrates a flat base as I have not finalized how I will attach the endcaps to the cylinder. My plan is to make the cylinder from some thick sole-weight (5 mm) leather just because I have some on hand. For those who might be looking for a “quick”, non-functional build, 5” PVC plumbing pipe has an outside diameter of 5.563” (inside diameter 5.016”). I will use this pipe to mold the leather cylinder.
Very nice!

Yeah, the only place I have really seen the prism, is on the figures and not images.

I was thinking the PVC route, but with screw in caps to make it somewhat usable.