Dragoncon 2015

It's been quite here so I'm just gonna post a random post to try to get things rolling again...hows everyone's costumes coming along? Have you started on your costume, or are you just like me starting now, with 4 months left till Dragoncon?...

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Still having to update my Red Hood costume. The coat I used last year for the parade was a real leather coat so I was hot in it. I am also working on a new chest piece and knee/shin gaurds. hope to have everything done in time.:angel
As a reminder, we are having an RPF meet up...So if your name / handle is not on this list and you plan on attending the meet please let me know that you would like to attend the meet up, this will let us know that we need to have a RPF badge for you. We will be doing a head count closer to the event to insure that were not making badges for people that are not going to be able to make it...Thanks so much in advance....

These are the people that have said that there planing on attending the RPF Dragoncon Meet Up so far...

Andveryginger - Avatar
Grifter2013 - Avatar
Helpfulnerd - Avatar
HyruleInfantry - Avatar
hzdous - Avatar
Jaedena - Avatar

Lucianthinus - Avatar
Matrixspoon - Avatar
Mowsel - Avatar
Scouser - Avatar

Talisen -

Hey Matrix,

Since you posted the most recent list of folks that are coming to the meet up - I just wanted to make sure you and I are on the same page regarding the badge design. I think we discussed it at my house when you where in ATL for your layover. The reason I bring this up is because 4.5 months will go by quickly for me with work and finishing my costumes so I want to make sure that I print the correct badges etc.

Hope your well, hope everyone is well. Can't wait to see everyone!!!
Hey Matrix,

Since you posted the most recent list of folks that are coming to the meet up - I just wanted to make sure you and I are on the same page regarding the badge design. I think we discussed it at my house when you where in ATL for your layover. The reason I bring this up is because 4.5 months will go by quickly for me with work and finishing my costumes so I want to make sure that I print the correct badges etc.

Hope your well, hope everyone is well. Can't wait to see everyone!!!

Yes we are still a go one the plans, will you still have enough time to be able to do the prints still or do I need to take care of it? Thanks...
I am awaiting a reply from the DragonCon promoters to see if they are interested in having the X-34 Landspeeder and / or the T-47 Snowspeeder on display at this years DragonCon. If anyone has any pull or contact with the operating committee, please say something nice about us. Atlanta is a big haul from Fort Worth, but if we are on display at the Con then we will definitely meet up with the RPF shindig.

FYI to all attending RPF members, if your planing on attending the meet, and would like to have an Avatar on your badge so people will know a photo to go off of rather then just a name, a lot of people on here remember photos easier then names...Please be sure to update your Avatar, what ever your Avatar is, is what will be on your badge. If you DO NOT have an avatar, then you will have a basic badge with just your name on it...Thank you in advance.
I am awaiting a reply from the DragonCon promoters to see if they are interested in having the X-34 Landspeeder and / or the T-47 Snowspeeder on display at this years DragonCon. If anyone has any pull or contact with the operating committee, please say something nice about us

In the years I've been going to DragonCon (every year since 2002) I've never seen large scale prop, vehicle, or set on display at the con, and I can't imagine where such a piece would be displayed. DragonCon reallyisn't that kind of a show.

If those vehicles can move under their own power, the parade on Saturday would be awesome, though you would have to arrange storage of the vehicles during the rest of the con and transport to and from the parade.
In the years I've been going to DragonCon (every year since 2002) I've never seen large scale prop, vehicle, or set on display at the con, and I can't imagine where such a piece would be displayed. DragonCon reallyisn't that kind of a show.

If those vehicles can move under their own power, the parade on Saturday would be awesome, though you would have to arrange storage of the vehicles during the rest of the con and transport to and from the parade.

Sadly as much as I hate to say this, I agree with GotWookiee, Dragoncon is pretty limited for space...You should check out Megacon in Orlando, they LOVE having things like this there...
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You might want to talk to the individual hotel that you are planning on showcasing it at. They might let you do it, but I wouldn't hold my breath. It looks outstanding though.
This will be the first time I'm going to dragon con and I'm going to be making yondu from guardians of the galaxy as my first costume, are there any pointers?
This will be the first time I'm going to dragon con and I'm going to be making yondu from guardians of the galaxy as my first costume, are there any pointers?

Pointers for your costume, or pointers for it being your first Dragoncon? There are tons, stay focused on your costume, be ready to get lost, also carry a phone charger with you cause your phone will die, many times...

On both, also I will be attending the meeting.

I have added your name to the badge list, if you would like to have an avatar on your badge please add before august, please check back closer to the event as we will be doing a head count for badges. Can't wait to see you there...
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