Helpful Nerd
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During the day I'm a freelance designer and web developer. I started my design career in 1999. In 2005 I started learning code and how to use content management systems. In 2007 I started my freelance career. My first freelance client told me that I was "Such a helpful nerd" and helpful nerd became my nickname.

Regarding collecting, I like items that I find interesting. From vintage computers to replica props. I always focus on things that are nostalgic. I especially enjoy prop replicas that give me that "Oh, that's cool" reaction.

I also enjoy making and building stuff. I worked for my father on an "as needed" basis since my early 20's. We did renovations, custom decks, and various custom furniture. I have a shop room in my house because he would pass on his older tools and taught me the importance of having an area to make and fix things at home. He's also the reason I got my first 3D printer. I now have 4.

According to some friends and family, I'm a professional nerd. I just really love being creative and making stuff.
Dec 3, 1981 (Age: 42)
Atlanta, GA
Designer & WordPress Developer
Click here for my Twitter page.


"We do not follow maps to buried treasure and X never, ever marks the spot."